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Tpye of Activities to list

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Hi everyone,


I just wanted some help regarding what activities I should include under medically related experience.


I have a few major hands on activities, such as clinic volunteer, shadowing at an eye clinic, 2 research projects, and working with adults with disabilities.


However, I have other activities that are more minor, and not as hands on, but are still medically relevant. For example, I attended a conference on naturopathic medicine and learned about inter-professional medical practices, I also attended weekly seminars regarding digestive health research for a year.


I am wondering if listing these minor activities on the application will take away from the major activities that I have done. Some friends have suggested that I remove these experiences.


Does anyone know what the admissions committee thinks of activities like this?


Thanks in advance and good luck on your applications everyone!

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i think you should put everything you have enough space for. Put the more important activities towards the top. They will decide what is relevant. If you run out of space you can type it in the box at the end where it asks if you have any other accomplishments.

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