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my chances, your thoughts


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Hi all,


I'm in the process of applying to canadian medical schools (U of C is first choice), but I am worried about my chances at getting an interview... especially since my MCAT score is only average. I know this sort of post is way too common, but any thoughts as to my chances of scoring an interview? What about schools that don't place much emphasis on MCAT scores? See below for my application summary. Thanks!



- BSc in Human Kinetics

- Just started an MSc in Biomedical Engineering


Undergrad GPA:

- 4th year: 3.92

- 3rd year: 3.89

- 2nd year: 3.75

- 1st year: 2.18


- overall: 3.44

- best two years: 3.90



- two years undergrad research, starting grad research in october

- one international conference presentation

- one national conference presentation

- one journal publication



- two years employment by a city public health department

- worked for city H1N1 response

- volunteer work in Africa

- tutoring undergrad course, guest lecturer for high school course

- NSERC and CIHR funding, lots of university awards/scholarships

- lots of athletics (competitive sports until I tore my hamstring and ACL;

now mostly recreational stuff)

- musician



- 27R ( 9 , 8 , R , 10 )

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(For Calgary) A lot of it depends on whether or not you're IP or not.


I'm afraid if you're OOP you will not get an interview.


If you're IP you MAY get an interview. The average cGPA is 3.60 for accepted applicants and best two years is 3.80.


The only issue I see with you application is a lack of volunteering and ECs and a slightly lower cGPA.


Hope that helps!


- Lupe


EDIT: For other schools.


- I don't think you have enough ECs for UBC.

- You have a shot at Alberta but I don't know how the use the MCAT scores (the average is 32Q - so you're a bit below there)

- Don't apply to Manitoba as they weigh the MCAT heavily

- Western will not grant you an interview and neither will Queens based on your MCAT score

- Ottawa MAY give you an interview but you'll need more ECs and volunteering

- McMaster may give you an interview but you have to ace CASPER

- Toronto will flag your application because of your MCAT score but their weighted GPA formula will increase your overall GPA (you can drop 4.0 credits)


In summary, apply to: Calgary and Alberta (if you're IP), Toronto, McMaster, Ottawa.


If you do not get in this cycle, improve your MCAT score and you can get interview at Queens and Western as well.

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Apply wherever you are IP at least for the experience and the off shot you get in (who knows you could be an amazing public speaker so if you do get an interview that could help A LOT - especially with UofC). Otherwise start volunteering more - like yesterday. It doesn't have to be saving lives or third world stuff - just things you like to do and definitely rewrite your MCAT. Some get in with scores that low but it's few and really limits where you could get in. Good luck!!!

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You have a very good shot at both AB schools, particularly UofA (assuming IP status). You should redo your MCAT as its an obvious area of improvement but it really shouldn't stop you from getting accepted right now.


You just have to word your ECs correctly, get good references and ace the interview.

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Thanks for your quick replies. I am considered Alberta IP and Ontario IP.


As for the ECs, there is more I didn't add. I just listed a few... here's more below. Will it help? In total, theres about 900 hours of research, 1700 hours of employment/volunteering combo.


- emergency room hospital clinical observer

- volunteer for a diabetes foundation hockey tournament

- music teacher

- sports camp counsellor

- member in an international, and national research group

- volunteer in a high school to teach an exercise science class


I know U of C doesn't place as much emphasis on MCAT...only 15% of PRE-interview score... so that's why I'm wondering what my chances are given my academic, and EC stuff.

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Thanks for your quick replies. I am considered Alberta IP and Ontario IP.


As for the ECs, there is more I didn't add. I just listed a few... here's more below. Will it help? In total, theres about 900 hours of research, 1700 hours of employment/volunteering combo.


- emergency room hospital clinical observer

- volunteer for a diabetes foundation hockey tournament

- music teacher

- sports camp counsellor

- member in an international, and national research group

- volunteer in a high school to teach an exercise science class


I know U of C doesn't place as much emphasis on MCAT...only 15% of PRE-interview score... so that's why I'm wondering what my chances are given my academic, and EC stuff.


Your chances for an interview are good for Alberta and Calgary.


See above for Ontario schools.


- Lupe

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I noticed the poster says they are both Ontario and Alberta IP... By doing this, aren't you jeopardizing your application if a school finds out? When I tried to plead my case to be considered a maritime resident this year, Dal told me I would have to notify all Ontario schools I applied to that I was not an Ontario resident...


I know it wouldn't matter for any school besides Ottawa really, but still...

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I noticed the poster says they are both Ontario and Alberta IP... By doing this, aren't you jeopardizing your application if a school finds out? When I tried to plead my case to be considered a maritime resident this year, Dal told me I would have to notify all Ontario schools I applied to that I was not an Ontario resident...


I think it's just Dal that has that rule. (correct me if I'm wrong)

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For the purposes of this application round, I am mostly interested in AB schools anyway since that is where I am completing my Masters. In fact, I will likely apply only to UofC this year, and if I do not get accepted I will reevaluate my application and then apply in AB and Ontario. What are my odds like for a UofC interview?

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(For Calgary) The average cGPA is 3.60 for accepted applicants and best two years is 3.80.



Not to be nit-picky or anything, but for the 2012 class, the average cGPA was 3.68 ;) It's may not make a difference, but I'm pointing it out just to give you an idea that's it's not too different from the UA's cGPA, which was 3.77 (and they take off a year when calculating that, so essentially they're very similar). Looking at your stats, I think you have a pretty good chance for an interview at U of C, and the U of A. If I were you, I'd apply to Edmonton too, maybe just as a backup even, unless you really dislike the city haha.

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Not to be nit-picky or anything, but for the 2012 class, the average cGPA was 3.68 ;) It's may not make a difference, but I'm pointing it out just to give you an idea that's it's not too different from the UA's cGPA, which was 3.77 (and they take off a year when calculating that, so essentially they're very similar). Looking at your stats, I think you have a pretty good chance for an interview at U of C, and the U of A. If I were you, I'd apply to Edmonton too, maybe just as a backup even, unless you really dislike the city haha.


For Class of 2014, avg GPA of U of A acceptances was 3.89, much higher than the previous year of 3.77

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Not to be nit-picky or anything, but for the 2012 class, the average cGPA was 3.68 ;) It's may not make a difference, but I'm pointing it out just to give you an idea that's it's not too different from the UA's cGPA, which was 3.77 (and they take off a year when calculating that, so essentially they're very similar). Looking at your stats, I think you have a pretty good chance for an interview at U of C, and the U of A. If I were you, I'd apply to Edmonton too, maybe just as a backup even, unless you really dislike the city haha.


They have different GPA calculation systems though, no? Calgary's GPA system is a bit more harsh than Alberta's

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For Class of 2014, avg GPA of U of A acceptances was 3.89, much higher than the previous year of 3.77


That doesn't include people that got in off the waitlist :D. The 3.77 that they have posted on their website for the Class of 2013 does. I'm sure with those included, it would be closer to 3.77, probably a little higher though. They haven't released those stats on their website yet unfortunately, but once they do, i'm sure it will give more hope to people :).

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That doesn't include people that got in off the waitlist :D. The 3.77 that they have posted on their website for the Class of 2013 does. I'm sure with those included, it would be closer to 3.77, probably a little higher though. They haven't released those stats on their website yet unfortunately, but once they do, i'm sure it will give more hope to people :).


The 3.77 posted on the website is the data for the pre-requisite GPA (no longer considered), not cGPA. Furthermore, the data is of the 2009 application cycle. I wish I could say that you are comparing apples to oranges, but its more like puppies to strawberries. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
The 3.77 posted on the website is the data for the pre-requisite GPA (no longer considered), not cGPA. Furthermore, the data is of the 2009 application cycle. I wish I could say that you are comparing apples to oranges, but its more like puppies to strawberries. ;)


Oh ok, yah you're right I agree with you there. My point was just that you shouldn't be discouraged from applying to the U of A because it seems like their GPA requirement is really high. It was 3.80 for the cumulative I guess, which isn't that high, and it's just an average as was mentioned somewhere above.

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