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Medical Radiation Science

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Currently I am a grade 12 student, worried about what path to take for university.


I am thinking of taking Medical radiation science at Mac, however I have too many questions that needs to be answered ASAP!


My goal is to apply before Dec. 13, which is pretty soon :eek:

My schedule right now is:

1st Sem: Religion (catholic school), Biology, Chemistry, Adv. Functions

2nd Sem: English, Physics, Calculus, Challange and Change (subject to change)


So, here are my questions: (sorry, they may be stupid questions to ask!)


1) Do you recommend taking an exercise science (anatomy) course by dropping the Challenge and Change course?


2) If I get accepted, then I decide to take another semester to upgrade my marks, is the acceptance still valid?


3) Is Radiology a hard path to pursue? I have physics next semester, so I don't have any idea of the difficulty.


4) After graduating from radiology, is there a stable job guaranteed? or do you need to go into further education to have an actual career? :confused:


5) What is the grade you need to maintain throughout the 4 years?


6) There was Laurentian and the UOIT university that also offered Radiology, however, I prefer Mac. (is there another alternative path other than these 3 universities?)


7) How is the competition at Rad.?


8) What other paths do you recommend as a back-up? So far, I'm HATING chemistry, but Biology is alright so far. I don't know about physics yet. I'm thinking of Life-sciences, but I heard of many of my older aquaintances that didn't enjoy it, so they ended up switching.


9) *** additional question: Do you know anything about the dentistry field? Do they offer it at Mac? If not, what do you have to go through? (medical school, etc.)

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I hope you do realize that radiation science is not the same as radiology young fella. If not, try and use the search function on the google of your favorite browser.

As for dentistry, you have to go through an undergraduate degree, not medicine. Then you apply to dental school, do your 4 years of dentistry and you're ready to drill.



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Just to add to what theBouque said, med rad sci is not radiology. There are 4 sub disciplines within medical radiation technology: sonography, nuclear medicine technology, radiological technology and radiation therapy. While the first three are within the field of radiology, professionals within these sub- fields are ones responsible for acquiring the images respective to the fields. Radiation therapy belongs to the field of radiation oncology (i.e. Using radiation to treat cancer). Radiotherapy is a combination of clinical oncology, medical physics and radiobiology. A lot of cancer centers aren't hiring right now , part of the fall out from the recession. This is quite a different situation from 5+ years ago when therapists had jobs prior to graduation.

To the OP, I suggest you do some more investigation into med rad sci because the sub disciplines are quite different from one another. The Mac program may even request that you do some clinical visits. I know that the UofT program used to do that at one time.

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