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Lost and confused, plz help premeds!

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I just have no idea what to do...

Here are my stats: 3.69 cGPA, 3.6 sGPA, 28Q (11PS, 9VR, 8BS), CANADIAN ONLY!


I was looking into going to St.Georges University (Caribbean)...but now am second guessing myself. When I was studying for my mcat, I was working about 35 hours a week. Though I'd like to think I can do better, the composite of these scores were about the best of my practice, except with a 9 in the biological sciences.


SO, I don't know if I should:

1) re-take the MCAT after studying alongside an EASY thesis course.

2) go to DO route, I think my stats are competitive enough

3) stick with St. Georges, get my MD, and move on


option 1 and 2 will take me until Sept 2012 to even enter a classroom. Option 3 allows me to start in January!


Help, criticism, anything would be GREATLY appreciated!




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You have a couple options:


1) Go the DO route but be prepared to stay in the US for residency. If you're desperate to come back to Canada afterward, to FM in the US, pass your US boards and then easily get certified by the CCFP. If you want to specialize in something else, be aware that it may be difficult to come back to Canada after you're done your residency.


2) Go to SGU but be prepared to never come back to Canada unless you do FM. It's also a lot more difficult to get a residency in the US as a Canadian from a Caribbean school. It's possible, don't get me wrong, but you have to work very hard and the next few years are going to be very stressful.


In the end, saving a couple months (Jan as opposed to Sept start) is nothing in the long run. If I were you, I'd apply to DO schools to be safe. At least you're almost guaranteed a FM residency in the US and can easily come back to Canada if you want afterward.

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