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Really dumb GPA question

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Hey everyone,


I know this is probably common knowledge to a lot of you, but I come from UBC (Canadian university) where we use a percentage system as opposed to a GPA format. There are loads of threads on how to convert your percentage to AMCAS GPA, but one thing I am not sure of is whether GPA lies in a continuum or are discrete sets of numbers.


For my university, the AMCAS conversion scale shows an A- (80-84%) as a 3.7 and an A (>85%) as 4.0.


Is there a difference between an 80% and an 84%? In other words, is an 80% a 3.7 and a 84% ~3.9? Or are they just simply lumped together and any grade % that falls between 80-84 gets assigned a 3.7.


Thanks, I know this may seem like a small question, but it makes a big difference on my application as I have many many 83-84%'s.



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