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A good interview book... advice?

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Hi all,


I know it's still 3-4 months before interview invitations, but I thought it would be good to start educating myself about the interview side of things (since I was rejected pre-interview last time I applied... hence I cant draw from my personal experience... or a lack of thereof). Any advice on books/other that some of you found helpful?...



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Hi all,


I know it's still 3-4 months before interview invitations, but I thought it would be good to start educating myself about the interview side of things (since I was rejected pre-interview last time I applied... hence I cant draw from my personal experience... or a lack of thereof). Any advice on books/other that some of you found helpful?...





i know some people read 'doing right' before the interview as an ethics resource. personally i don't think it's that useful. on my interview day, there was only 1 directly ethical question that the book would have helped me with. probably only useful if you have no ethics background or no moral compass.


in my year, almost all the questions are 'what would you do in the following situation' type stems. obviously, almost impossible to glean from a book how to answer those. i found having 2 exams to study for that week was awesome - i was able to go into the interview relaxed and just answer the questions honestly without getting too caught up in strategy or answering questions the way the interviewer wanted me to answer them. there are sample questions floating around the internet - they might be helpful to look at, but the questions you get are going to be totally different anyways, so they're probably only useful for getting your timing down.


nyways, interview notifications don't go out until the next year so there's going to be lots of time to not think about it :D good luck!

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I liked doing right - it was actually an interesting book. I only ready the first couple chapters and it definitely helped...


Even more than reading books though would be to practice your public speaking if you are not used to it. I think taking an improv class or toastmasters would be far more useful than any book.

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doing right is actually a very good book - it's my first time applying to medicine so i'm not sure if it will help during interview, but if you really enjoy ethics, its a great read!:)

I have done the MMI before for another program ( and I was accepted), and I think the best advice I can give for that is just have good examples in your mind from your own life experiences and be CALM! It's actually a lot of fun if you stay relaxed and are just yourself!

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