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Don't know where to apply???

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I started undergrad on sep 2007.. and completed 1st and 2nd year as an engineering science student at U of T. Then I decided to go on PEY (12 month coop). During my PEY I reallized I want to go to med school and I wrote the MCAT last summer. RIGHT NOW I am in 3rd year and I want to apply to med school (preferrably an md-phd program) at the beginning of 4th year, which will be 2011 fall. I am considering both Canadian and US schools. But I am confused about where should I apply. I don't want to apply to more than 7-8 schools...If you guys can help me to pick few schools to apply I will really appreciate it.. Here are my stats....





Engineering Science at U of T

- Biomedical Engineering Major

- Neuroscience Major (AN EXTRA MAJOR)





cGPA after 2nd year: 3.5

cGPA after 3rd year: 3.60 (ESTIMATE)

cGPA after 4th year: 3.65 (ESTIMATE)


GPA for 3rd + 4th year: 3.90 (ESTIMATE)


Science GPA should be around 3.8 ish... (ESTIMATE)

Nonsciene GPA should be around 3.5 ish.. (ESTIMATE)




MCAT I already wrote it...40 R (balanced)




Work Experience:



- 2 mth research in aerospace (full time)

- 4 mth researach in optics (full time)

- 4 mth research in biomed (part time)

- PEY after my 2nd year (which was in the energy sector - 12 mth coop)




In 3rd year ... I should be able to have 8 more months of part time research experience in biomed (as part of research credit) and 4 more month full time during the next summer



University ECs ... not much ... no time


-4 mth of volunteering in a hospital (part time)

-I own and run a commerical tutoring organization


-Chair of Multicultural Club



SO PLEASE... I will really appreciate any HELP...I reallized that I want to be doctor after my 2nd yr and hence have many irrelevant experience.. I don't know if those will help in anyways...



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But can you help me to pick few like 4...because I don't want to pick 4 US top tier schools and get rejected by all of them...


Out of curiosity, why do you just want to do four schools? There are so many good schools, and you do have good chances because of your MCAT. The nice thing about US schools is that some do look at the undergrad institution and the degree so that might help a little. But again, how certain are you that your GPA is going to be maintained as your estimates? If finances or time are nto constraints, I would recommend applying to AT LEAST 10 schools. You could buy the MSAR and see which of the top tiers will give you chances based on their matriculant's GPA ranges.


ps. it's still beyond me why people do Ensci at UofT, especially for the biomed option when you could do any of the other engineering, get a bioeng minor, and save a lot of suffering! but you seem to have done well, so good job!

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I don't know much about US med school applications ... So will it require SIGNIFICANT amount of time to apply to 10 schools....are there overlaps between applications?? or the time required is linear with the number of schools that I apply to (i.e. does applying to 4 schools take 40% of the time thats required for applying to 10 schools??)


And how are US schools going to look at my irrelevant research experiences???

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What mlbn says is correct... For your AMCAS application, only difference between applying to 4 schools and 30+ schools is taking the time to list them out in AMCAS, and a large chunk of pocket change.


After you submit your primary, most schools will give you secondary applications, and usually ask for more info, essays, and pocket change. If you apply to a lot of schools, you might get swamped by secondaries, but they don't all come in at the same time so the work is spread out a bit more.


I would apply broadly, and not just go for the top tier schools... did that last year (applied to 9 schools) and not nothing. I feel like the med school application process is kinda like a lottery... the more schools you apply to, the better chance you've got at getting in.

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