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General admission chance for the U.S.

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It will likely take most, if not all, school off your list. I'm not sure if any US schools do not have organic and physics as prereqs. When I applied there were a few, but I think they may have changed their policies. If you want a shot in the US, you must take these courses. And with a 3.0 GPA, the changes of you getting into a US school is close to zero.

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You need 1 year each of English, Bio, General Chem, Organic Chem, and Physics. Each school will have different requirements but generally, the above is what's listed on the AMCAS site and my school's prehealth website as pre-req's (I went to school in the states).


It will likely take most, if not all, school off your list. I'm not sure if any US schools do not have organic and physics as prereqs. When I applied there were a few, but I think they may have changed their policies. If you want a shot in the US, you must take these courses. And with a 3.0 GPA, the changes of you getting into a US school is close to zero.




would taking physics and organic chemistry during the summer count, do US schools have a problem with summer courses?


Do you guys also know if the req courses count more than other courses?

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It will likely take most, if not all, school off your list. I'm not sure if any US schools do not have organic and physics as prereqs. When I applied there were a few, but I think they may have changed their policies. If you want a shot in the US, you must take these courses. And with a 3.0 GPA, the changes of you getting into a US school is close to zero.


What kind of GPA gives you an average shot at getting in moo? (with average EC's)


also, what would you say is basically the unofficial cutoff? (Around 3.2 or so?)

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Depends what school you're applying to. If you just want to get in, a safe GPA would probably be 3.75-3.8 if you apply broadly. If you want DO, a 3.5-3.6 would be safe. Unofficial cutoffs? Probably 3.4, but you gotta have a pretty darn good rest of your application if you want a chance there.

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Summer courses count. And the science GPA (bio, chem, math, and physics) is weighted most heaviliy.


I really appreciate your help, thx : )


Do you know if the Science GPA is specific, for example, would a student who did bad on chem and physics and bio, but great on math with a 3.5 science GPA, be seen as equal to someone who go 3.5 on bio, chem, physics and math?


Would a math major be at a slight disadvantage compared to Bio/Science majors (or even social/humanities)?

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I really appreciate your help, thx : )


Do you know if the Science GPA is specific, for example, would a student who did bad on chem and physics and bio, but great on math with a 3.5 science GPA, be seen as equal to someone who go 3.5 on bio, chem, physics and math?


Would a math major be at a slight disadvantage compared to Bio/Science majors (or even social/humanities)?


Probably equivalent but may be school dependent.


And no, math majors would probably be at a slight advantage.

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