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Interview invites!!

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This is ridiculous. I don't understand what UBC is doing - to have such a sharp curve relating GPA and AQ is silly. I wonder what they are basing these decisions on?


All I know is my 4th year GPA is going down the drain thanks to every course this year being so ****ing hard. So it's probably UBC this year or UBC no year for me, if they keep this strange AQ formula.


I just freaked out because I got an e-mail titled "Waitlist Alert"... but it turned out to be from the UofT Athletics Centre. No news is surely good news at this point...

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At the end of the day, everything is converted to percentages. They would have to release more information for certain institutions I suppose, which they will likely not do.


Although to be honest, I'm glad I submitted this application even though I had NO chance of getting in, because I used the activities section for the UBC application to help me fill out all my other apps and since UBCs app was due so early it helped me get a good handle on things.


O well.


- Lupe


This AQ seems very unfair to lots of applicants with high potential. Why did they have to change it? we were going smooth and now its AQ+NAQ focused. I'm an IP and I am very discouraged about this. I don't know what to do now.

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wow it seems like this year's process has become so much harder.. and it's so strange how it seems harder when there are more seats available this year! sorry to hear all these regrets for so many qualified applicants..


im IP and haven't heard anything yet. really really hopefully they aren't sending out regrets in little batches..

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Wow... what is going on! 4.47 ?


Ya I just about cried when I saw that! Its embarrassing but I posted because I feel there's probably others in a similar boat to me.


Seriously though, I wish they would have just said that IP applicants with less than 80% would have slim to no chances... I mean 75% getting a full file review is absolutely meaningless unless they have near perfect NAQ.


Oh well, still waiting on the schools that value my M.Sc. (have apps in at Calgary, Queens, Toronto, and NOSM)- keeping my fingers crossed!

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Also, as some of the SFU people have pointed out, this new AQ formulation just increases the already large bias to applicants from UBC. Those of us with a 4.33 scale would need 4.33 to score 90% at UBC... and that wouldn't even get you full AQ marks! Imagine.. getting A+s all through university and not receiving full AQ marks:confused: I mean even a 4.0/4.33 (A average) would give you 85%!!

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Ya I just about cried when I saw that! Its embarrassing but I posted because I feel there's probably others in a similar boat to me.


Seriously though, I wish they would have just said that IP applicants with less than 80% would have slim to no chances... I mean 75% getting a full file review is absolutely meaningless unless they have near perfect NAQ.



I am embarrassed with mine, too. I thought it was a typo at first.


OK, here are my stats...


OGPA 78.54%

60GPA 80.01%

AQ 6.88/25


NAQ 16.26


UVic- my last 60 is approx 7.3/9 GPA, just FYI. That should, logically, translate to about 81.6%? Last year it looked like I had to minus 1.4% off the final number, so that seems about right. But 6.88? Seriously?


I wish I was one of those annoying students who went and cried about every 84% (which at UVic gets you an A-) to the prof. It's OK. I still feel good about myself. But feeling good about yourself doesn't get admissions.


///I had misinformation in here///


Anyways, by the end of the week here we should have a good set to do some stats from.

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I have a feeling that they're giving AQ scores 0-25 based on where you stand relative to other applicants, rather than an absolute conversion. Perhaps something like how Mac uses z-scores...


As for the SFU to UBC conversion... that's just pure crap. Can't they use a separate formula, or just use the raw % rather than down-converting? Why consciously continue to discriminate against SFU? From the perspective of UBC Med admissions, I'm glad I didn't listen to my parents and go to SFU.

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OOP Regrets


cGPA = 86.20

last 60 = 82.3

AQ = 13.9

NAQ = 18.2

my prereq = 3.94 (I come from a school that uses GPA scale, and so don't know how that works. My school uses A/A+ = 4.00, A- = 3.70 etc....)


Total = 32.1


Oh well, considering that AQ invite = 24. something, I guess it was sorta expected. (wished that I was a BC resident lol)


Time to cross my fingers for Alberta and Ontario. Hopefully this time next year I could be Toronto Med 2015 (my #1 choice, in my dearest dream, if I could possibly have the luxury of choosing amongst med schools)?


Best luck to those hanging there!!!


Holy crap, but I'm surprised. Not that my GPA is that stellar or anything, but how high does your average have to be in order to receive a 25/25 for AQ??!!!

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Just checked.


No interview.



AQ=9.01 (yeah I'm going wtf too)



Nothing stellar, but my

Pre-Req=80.00, OGPA=80.73, and Final 60=79.92


Do I get points for being consistent? Cuz seeing what other people are saying, my AQ should be around 5. (Not that I'm complaining, of course...well, complaining that I have no interview)


Sigh...this is bs.

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I've been reading all the threads for a while now and am finally posting! Not with any good news though, unfortunately.


IP - got my 'regrets, no interview' today


oGPA: 84.21%

last 60: 83.51%

AQ: 14.88

NAQ: 11.82

TFR: 26.7... sooo close!


I'm gonna have to work 10x as hard this year to get my NAQ up for next year!

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Just curious


If AQ and NAQ is based on bell curve, do you know ANYONE who has received 25/25 or even 20+/25 on NAQ in the past years?


jag@19 had a +20 NAQ (&~25 AQ) 2008/09 cycle (now UBC med 2014). Usually +20s don't hear back.


I think with all these changes, and AQ being so heavily weighted the Interview might have a bigger impact this year. I think before everyone scored so high that the interview didn't make that much difference. now I think a lot of us will be on the lower end and the interview will make a difference. Fingers crossed (double - for an interview, and then the interview being weighted heavily because my 82%oGPA and 84%last 60 isn't looking so hot right now).

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I wish my parents had moved to BC when they first got married so I would have had a chance. My TFR score was ~34 and should have gotten me in had I been a BCer. I think it was a AQ shift that f***ed with me. My NAQ was a decent 19 though.


Can you detail your NAQ experience for us? I would love to kow what I need to do to up this score for next year and yours looks pretty decent!


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I REALLY don't understand this...just going by what lolas posted (and mine), the difference of 3.5% of OGPA or last 60 will cause a shift of roughly 5.5 points to the AQ????


I really dunno what this is based on unless the MCAT comes into play, considering my 12/7/14/S on the MCAT (7 on verbal).


I was surprised at my NAQ though...I thought for sure I'd have close to nothing on that.

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so it seems like no one with 89+ averages got rejected so far?


Do you guys think maybe having a gpa over 90+ will guarantee an interview?


Also, the cut-off for the score should be lower than last year, right? Maybe 36ish instead of 39? (was it 39 last year?)

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Long time lurker, thought I'd post as this will be my last time applying to UBC.




Pre-reqs: 75%

Overall Average: 78.5%

Last 60: 81%



AQ: 6.47/25

NAQ: 15.74/25



- 3 publications, 1 poster presentation

- 1.5 years as emergency room volunteer

- heavily involved in clinical research at the BC Cancer Agency in Vancouver; employed as a researcher and work alongside oncologists

- 100+ hours with shadowing doctors and specialists

- lead a project in breast cancer research

- lab bench work in the characterization of tumor cells

- loads of hours volunteering in various hospitals and clinics (over 250 h)

- sports and music at a competitive level

- travel and tons of community service

- tutoring and mentoring to both university and elementary students


Anyway gave it my last shot (3rd attempt) but just not good enough for UBC. Quite frustrated at the fact that UBC is the way it is. Unfortunately because of my GPA I am afraid that I won't be able to ever get in unless I pursue another undergraduate degree. Good luck to everyone.

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so it seems like no one with 89+ averages got rejected so far?


Do you guys think maybe having a gpa over 90+ will guarantee an interview?


Also, the cut-off for the score should be lower than last year, right? Maybe 36ish instead of 39? (was it 39 last year?)


haha too bad you can't get over 90 if you went to basically anywhere BUT UBC:mad:

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so it seems like no one with 89+ averages got rejected so far?


Do you guys think maybe having a gpa over 90+ will guarantee an interview?


Also, the cut-off for the score should be lower than last year, right? Maybe 36ish instead of 39? (was it 39 last year?)


Only 42 applicants had 90+ averages last year, but 14 were rejected (assuming post-interview).


Due to the focus on AQ, I predict this year's cycle will have yet another significant increase in the overall average of successful applicants.


GPA over 90% will guarantee inteview = ~22-25

So you'll only need a few NAQ points to reach the cut-off.

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Prerequisite Avg (%): 77.

Overall GPA (%): 78

Final 60 Credits (%): 83


MCAT Results: 32P



Total File Review (/50): ~ 22

Academic Qualities (/25): 8

Non Academic Qualities (/25): 13


hmmm it's not easy getting rejected, but my GPA isn't very competitive

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Only 42 applicants had 90+ averages last year, but 14 were rejected (assuming post-interview).


Due to the focus on AQ, I predict this year's cycle will have yet another significant increase in the overall average of successful applicants.


GPA over 90% will guarantee inteview = ~22-25

So you'll only need a few NAQ points to reach the cut-off.


I am assuming this is true for IP applicants? What do you guys think about OOP applicants in terms of a safe %?


The average % for OOP was 89.6% or something, so will that mean that anyone above that threshold will receive an interview? Man this is so complicated!!

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