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prerequisite and mcat questions


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For anyone who has gone to the US or knows this...


1) Do you need to have ALL of your prereq's done by the time of application?


2) Is it beneficial to have your prereq's done for your applications?


3) Should you have your MCAT score by the time of application?


I will have only my bio, english and possibly my chemistry (maybe not) done by application time, leaving out physics and organic, however if my MCAT score is good, same as my GPA and application, does this matter? (I can get the courses done before admission of course). What about my prereq or science GPA etc.. ?




BTW - already have my degree done, prereqs are and will be taken just as extra courses

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1) No. Most schools only need them done by matriculation.


2) No idea. I'm missing a physics lab component and 1/2 credit of gen chem for the current application cycle, have managed one interview so far, but I've only heard from 4/8 schools I applied to. It probably depends on the school and the quality of the rest of your application.


3) It would probably be better if you did. I was told most schools wait to review your file until everything is in (which includes MCAT score), and the sooner you're complete the better.


One thing you might have to watch for are specific requirements for different schools for their prerequisites...such as no online courses and whatnot. Some schools will actually overlook missing prerequisites is certain cases too. So it's always good to send schools you are interested in an email asking them about their specific requirements.

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1) great.


2) ok sounds good, but second to this, if I ONLY have my bio and English, no chem or phys will that be a deterant, since it is a substantial portion of the prereq basic sciences... Rest of my application is solid.


3) sounds good, also if I don't do well,lots of wasted time and money...


Yes I have been emailing schools.


Anyone else have some info?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Quick addendum for this-


IF I try to apply this summer, my MCAT will be out of date for most schools (2007) but is good (33R). Considering I will apply based on a strength being my MCAT, will they even see the 33R? Or should I wait to apply until after I have retaken?


Due to a back injury that prevents me from sitting for long periods of time, I am hesitant to sign up for the MCAT for the early summer until I am sure it's cleared up and I can handle the studying and the exam itself.

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