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McMaster MMI practice in downtown TO

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So it sounds like we have a number of people interested in having practice sessions. I'm also good on weekends. Does anyone have a preference for the time/ day. I'm assuming that most of us in this thread are UofT students at St. Gerorge???? Would it be helpful to I guess maybe book a study room in Robarts, for our first meeting, and then we can discuss how we can best simulate MMI stations for the preceeding practice sessions ?

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I'll try booking us a study room at Robarts, for this coming Saturday afternoon. I'll do the booking on my way to class tomorrow, and I'll post whether or not I was successful and the room number. Do people have a general sense of what we would like to discuss/ focus on this Saturday (ethics, health care issues, communication skills, etc.)??

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SO I was able to book us a room at Robarts for this coming Saturday. It's study room # 4, and it's on the 1st floor. We have the room booked from 1:30-4:30 pm. I look forward to meeting you all in person, and I hope we have a productive practice session :)


I will probably only be able to come at about 2:30. I've booked in suit shopping first :P


But looking forward to meet you soon! I had an MMI a few years ago, so can help with some of the background. But I'd really like to focus on how to break any question up into a focused and concise response.



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alrite so this is a for-sure thing then .. coz it'll take me over an hr to get to robarts and i dnt wanna get there to find out tht nobody made it.. all those who are FOR SURE going to be there say "i will be there for sure" :P so far i think its me and aminoacid that are for sure. who else?


ps: if ur coming bring a few questions, made up by you or found online.

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did you guys actually meet this weekend?


I just read the post and I am kind of sad that I missed out on this :(



Are you guys planning to meet again?


I would love to be a part of it.


Also, if it is possible, can we move this discussion to the general interview prep thread? Because Queens is also doing MMI and it would be helpful for those people to know about this tread. (yes, I am one of them)

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Anyone interested in meeting up at Robart's this Friday (the 11th) at 6pm to prep for the MMI? I could try and book a study room if there is enough people interested. I have some materials that might be useful for practicing communication-based scenarios (e.g., instructing another blind-folded interviewee to build a block design) and I'd like to practice the more difficult actor-based scenarios (e.g., consoling a crying patient or angry patient). Let me know if you're interested!

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