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Wrote MCAT twice, another prep course?


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Hey Everyone,


Just looking for some advice:


I've written the MCAT twice. First time I used Kaplan and I don't think I approached their lesson methods correctly and only focused on the MCAT all summer (10BS, 9VR, 10PS, O). I wrote again this summer while working full time and used a combination of my old Kaplan stuff and went through EK (didn't go through all of VR practise) and got 10BS, 10VR, 10PS, P.


I'm feeling like I need something to get a better mark and don't think that doing it by myself will help me improve as much as I need. I don't want to take Kaplan again. Thoughts on what you would do? Princeton? Prep 101?



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This will be a bit rambly... past my bedtime.



I don't know about your grades and EC's, but a 10/10/10 P is no problem for Ottawa (doesn't look at MCAT) and U of T.


I can answer you in regards to Verbal and the Writing Sample.


In regards to a 10 in Verbal - a great GPA and good Casper score can offset it for McMaster. The median VR for accepted students at Mac last year was 11. Also, you would want an 11VR for Western.


So let's assume you do want to retake...



Using the EK book raised my score from the 10's I was consistently getting (no studying) to a 12 on the real thing. Don't use Kaplan's IMO - the passages are too different from the real MCAT to be of much value. Have you done all the passages in the EK Verbal 101 book? They are really very good - with 11 full-length verbal sections! If anything, I found the real MCAT easy in comparison to the EK passages, though they both tested the same skill sets.


In my opinion, preparing for the Writing Sample is too often overlooked by students preparing for the MCAT, that plan on applying to Ontario medical schools (including myself). Queens seems to vascillate between a Q and R cutoff. Western (I think) tends to stay at P. An O would disqualify you at both. If I would have applied last year to Queens, my P would disqualify me right off the bat. Look up here and on SDN for tips on keeping that score no lower than P, and preferably a Q or R - it could provide you with an extra 2 interviews in Ontario.



http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showpost.php?p=3766254&postcount=8 gives some good examples to keep handy. Equally important is the structure of your essays - which can be found elsewhere, IIRC.


The US schools could care barely care less about your Writing Sample score. Therefore, my pet theory is that it is easier to score high on the Writing Sample - due to the minimal preparation that most American MCAT test- takers, and many Canadian ones, put into the Writing Sample.


As for the BS and PS sections... I have no clue

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