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Should I re-write with these scores?

Guest Ronin

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Alright, I'm going to be a jackass and ask people if they think my marks are decent enough, or if maybe I should just take the beating and write the MCAT again.


BS - 9

PS - 8

VR - 11

WS - P


So yeah, a 28P won't get me into Harvard. But uh...I didn't want to go there anyway.





Edited to get rid of the all-capital letters in the subject title. -Ian

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It depends where you want to apply. Ontario schools basically only care if you meet their cutoffs. You just need to go to the school websites, or search through the past threads on this site, and find out what their cutoffs are! Looks to me like you make U of T's, at least.

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Guest minnieMD



Here are my scores, a little similar:

VR 11

PS 8

BS 9



I think I'm just going to sit on these marks...don't really want to rewrite. But in all honesty, Should I?


Thanks for your advice!

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Personally, I am not sure why you are asking. :) Your scores are virtually identical to Ronin's.


There is no universal answer. Make a list of the schools you want to apply to, check how they assess the MCATs, and then decide whether you need to raise your MCATs to be a competitive applicant.

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Guest Lola Lee Lolo

like peachy said, no one can really answer the question as to whether or not you should rewrite.


for myself, i know that i want my mcat marks to stand out because my gpa is not stellar. i made myself a goal and i missed it by 2 points, so i have decided i want to write again. perhaps i don't HAVE to, but i know what areas i can still improve in and this time i know i will not let myself down. :)


in the end, the ultimate decision is yours. perhaps, if you are an otherwise well rounded applicant, you needn't worry about trying the mcat again.



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I'll spoonfeed you two the lowdown on the 3 MCAT Ontario schools: (the schools I know well)


An 8 in PS will probably not sit too well with Queens and Western. Queens and Western cutoffs change every year depending on the applicant pool. However, in the past couple of years they've required at least a 9 for the PS. I seriously doubt they will go below 9, but I could be wrong.


For U of T, you are allowed to go one below their cutoffs (9,9,9,N), and have a chance at an interview.


I recommend you both write again. Try not to get below 9 in the sciences, and aim for a 10 in VR and Q in WS. That should be okay for Ontario.


If you guys are in my shoes and are only thinking Ontario, then heed my advice. If not, ignore it.

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Guest coastal79

depends on three things: 1)where do you want to go?

2)how competitive is the rest of your application?

3)did you give it a good go?


I got a good score two years ago. However, I didn't study overly intensely, have only an A- average, and have some holes in the extracurricular side of my application. So, I'm giving to study my ass off and give it another go in April (already started studying.....I will OWN the MCAT-knock on wood). Evaluate where you stand, where you want to be, and go from there.

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