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MCAT scores are in (serious!)

Guest tweep0

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i thought i'd be crying and instead, i'm singing and dancing like a school girl!!!! I got a 10 on VERBAL!!!! and the percentile for a 10 was 67 to 82%; meaning, i could have nearly failed and still got a 10!!!!


Yipeeeeeeee..... Good luck with the rest of you guys! :D








Edited to get rid of the all-capital letters in the subject title. -Ian

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Guest bruhaha

15 in physical! How often does that happen?


I'm a PS 11 VR 12 BS 13 WR S


I got a 15 or 14 in all the practices PS's I wrote, I knew it didn't go as well as that but my worst mark? Didn't expect that.


Good luck all. . .

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Congrats to you guys!!!:D :D :D


BS 15

PS 13

VR 11



Yeah, baby, yeah. The best I got in practices was 13/13/10. I'm in happy-land now. :rollin


Luckily, I was able to hold off on the pukage while reading my scores. What a relief....no more MCATs for me.

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Guest Gem2005

Congradulations to all of you !!!


I would like to know if for most of you it was the first, sec.... time?


If you guys took prep courses (Kaplan), and if so, if the scores you got while practicing was reflective of what you got on test day!


Also did you feel bullet proof ready, mentally before test day, and did you feel it went well afterwards?


Sorry to ask all these questions, but I think your scores are outstanding, and I plan to take the MCAT this April, so I just wanted to know about your individual successful experiences!



Thanks a lot

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Guest Koppertone

Well I am pleased, I got a 11-12-12-R. After all that time worrying about it too...


I have to say though, the scores on this board are higher than any other pre-med message board out there.


Even though my scores aren't the highest out there, I'll tell you what I did to prep. I bought that big Kaplan prep book from Chapters online for $70 (Can), A princeton review book with 2 practice tests $30 (Can), and all 4 of the AAMC online practice tests (whatever that cost). So all in all, I spent roughly $250 on MCAT prep and did fine by teaching it to myself. Mind you I did study just about everyday for 2 months. Ahh.. I'm glad I don't have to waste ANOTHER summer :rollin

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This August was my first time writing the MCAT. I got:

VR: 12

PS: 14


BS: 13

And I'm ABSOLUTELY THRILLED!! I took the Kaplan course and it was worth it for me because I really benefit from that kind of structured review and the sheer volume of practice materials. My actual scores are just a little higher than my final few Kaplan tests. I definitely felt prepared on test day. I was less stressed than I have been for any university final just because I knew I couldn't be anymore prepared. After the test I didn't think I'd done as well as I did. I was pretty sure I'd gotten 10's in everything, but I was a little worried about VR. In the end, it turned out ok! My advice would be to look at how you learn best in school right now, and then decide from there whether or not to take a course or study on your own. Good luck!

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This was my first time writing. I took the Princeton Review and would definately recommend it! I have never taken physics - not even in high school, so I was anticipating a lower PS score.


My last practice exam (AAMC 6R written one week before the real thing) scored 12, 10, 10 (B, P, V) = 32.


The real MCAT I scored 13, 9, 10 (B,P,V) = 32R


Overall I am very happy. I feel that the prep I got from princeton was excellent. It seems that the practice exams are reflective of your approximate score (the ones that are close to the actual exam...)


I was not expecting to do as well as I did. I felt that the real thing was waaaay harder then any practice I ever did.


Congrats to us all for getting through this!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest LaGriega

Is this the Canadian pre-med whiz-kid board?


I did well and am pleased. My practice test scores (Kaplan 1-5 and AAMC 3-5) went steadily up over the summer. My real test score was exactly what I got on AAMC 6R, a week before the test.


I did not take the Kaplan course, but I used their full-length tests for practice.

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