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my MCAT Score sucks

Guest MDin2006

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Guest MDin2006

just got my scores and am shocked........10 10 10 O.



I thought I failed the verbal and rocked the two essays.


How bad is an O? My gpa is only a 3.78. Should I still apply to UofT?

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Guest Kirsteen

Hello there,


Regarding the "O", I would still apply, but you can also consider having your essay re-marked by the MCAT folks. It's a prospect that is associated with some chance though, as your score could decrease as well as increase (or remain the same). To wit: a friend of a friend was unhappy with her WS score a couple of years ago and submitted it for remarking. The result: her WS score jumped two letters (in the positive direction ;) ).




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I had an N on the essay, and while Western wouldn't even give me an interview, I got in everywhere else. As long as you meet the cut-off's, I don't think the schools really care how well you can write an essay. I would say you should definitely apply. Maybe even to Western, as I don't think they know until January or so what their official cut-off's will be for that application cycle.

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Guest acropolistica

You did better than me. You did fine enough to get accepted mostly anywhere in Canada. That is all that matters if you want to go to a Canadian school. So I would advise against rewriting. Stick with what you got, and if it is your MCATs that hold you back, and if you dont get in 5 times in a row, then write them again.

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