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countdown to april 17/04: for those planning to (re)write :)

Guest Lola Lee Lolo

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Guest Lola Lee Lolo

yea, i am already thinking ahead to mcat april 2004. a lot will happen in my life between now and then (like half of my master's degree!), so i have decided to plan ahead and be 'bulletproof' for the next test date!


i want to take things a bit slower...brush up on the org chem basics sooner rather than later (since in my case for the august mcat, i hardly looked at org chem at all:eek )...

im curious to find out how many of us are 'looking forward' to this date. feel free to discuss your study plan, prep course questions, etc here!


also, if anyone wants info on kaplan, DO send me a PM. i took the course last winter.



LLL (a wannabe keener LOL)

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Guest frankie

I'm planning on writing the MCAT for the first time on April 17. Given that I haven't taken many of the basic science courses in several years (8-9), I'm a little nervous! However, I've applied for a 3-month LOA from work and have signed up for the Princeton Review course in TO. Other than two final courses from my degree (I took 8 this term, so I'd have a light load next term.), I'm planning on spending most of my time (re)learning organic chem! I don't want to have to write it a second time...however, just in case, that's why I'm writing in April!


Congratulations to everyone who has received positive scores from the August writing!! :D



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I too am writing for the first time in April, but when I write it I'll be studying for exams in molecular/cellular bio, genetics, and organic chem II so hopefully the fact I'll be in the middle of those courses help out. Other than that I get fridays off starting in January so that becomes the designated MCAT study day.

I think if this is your first MCAT you should do one of the free online practice tests at princeton review, kaplan, or e-mcat - this way you know what you have to bring up, for me it's BS :)


good luck

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Guest coastal79

just thought I'd join the April club. I'm working full-time and haven't done science courses in awhile so I've started studying now. I'm slowly going through the Kaplan book I used when I wrote in Aug 2001 (it's amazing, I looked at a "new" 6th edition, as opposed to the 5th edition, which I have, and the content is exactly the same, albeit with the standard page numbering differences....). My goal is to do 3 or 4 chapters a week and hopefully get through it all by the end of December. I'm supplementing the O-Chem with a textbook I picked up because I find the section in Kaplan isn't great. I'll probably do the same with Physics just to get more practice doing actual problems. Luckily, I'm actually enjoying studying O-Chem and Physics right now cause it gets me thinking for an hour a day. Hopefully, this strange tendency will hold over the next 6 months.

In January I'll go balls to the wall with pracitice exams on weekends (exams on saturday, ski to recover on sundays!) and review throughout the week. I did well last time, and plan on destroying the MCAT this April. I don't want to leave any room for "what if I'd studied more?"


good luck to all!

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Guest determined

Count me in for the `already thinking of April' crew - now that the hellish OMSAS application process is finished, I've started taking a closer look at this - it was 6 months away last Friday!


I'm having a small freak-out because I don't have much of a science background - I've got a lot of hard work ahead of me.


However, as they say, hard work never killed anybody...maybe it just drove them insane.


Glad to know I'm not the only one thinking this far ahead!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Lola Lee Lolo

ok guys, i know i was the one who started this thread, and i was so glad to see that several people did not think i was insane to already be thinking ahead to april.


however, i am going to have to drop out of the 'looking forward to april' crew. i have since realized that i have too much happening in my grad school schedule to really give the exam a good go in april. sooooo....best of luck studying and i will put this baby off for an extra 4 months ;) .

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