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Princeton Review Course - Toronto - Jan - Apr 2004

Guest Elaine I

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  • 2 months later...
Guest MDHopeful04

Hi Elaine,


I'm thinking of taking the Princeton Review course in Toronto starting in May 2004 to help me prepare for the August 2004 MCAT. Your feedback on the course would be greatly appreciated!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest cutieyellow

I took the Princeton Review class in 2001. I really didn't think it was useful. For me, it was a lot better had i just studied it on my own, at home. But i guess it's different for every individual. None of my friends liked it though. And i haven't heard better comments about Kaplan either. General consensus in my med class: Keep the 1000 dollars and spend time on your own.

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If you know how to study from books the course is useless. You can just buy the Kaplan/Princeton books and use those to study. BUT, that is only if you're disciplined enought to schedule your time and study. The course is good because it 'forces' you to study regularly. Plus, membership gives you access to a whole bunch of practice tests and moc tests that they grade. But this is what I used to justify my taking the course:


It is better to take the course and screw up the MCAT than not take the course, screw up the MCAT, and then say "man I should have taken the prep course"


Tweep :hat

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


Don't forget that Princeton Review often uses seasoned MCAT takers, more often than not medical school students, to teach their classes. You don't simply sit in a classroom and read the books together in silence, nor is the material delivered by droids. One of the great benefits of the program was receiving the tacit MCAT knowledge passed on by these instructors. They had a wealth of their own wee tips for successfully getting through each of the sections. Some of those pearls stayed nicely with me as I wrote my own exam a few Augusts ago.




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Guest Nightriders19

Hi there,


I wrote the MCAT in August 2002, and spent the summer working on a NSERC with a couple of other girls who were writing the MCAT as well. My friends took the Princeton course, but I lacked the funds and the time needed to take it. My friends found the course very informative and interesting, and ended up with very good scores (e.g. 38R). I studied on my own from May until August, and just ordered the practice tests from the AAMC. My score was basically identical to my friends'. So basically, the moral of the story is that the courses can be useful, but it is a very personal thing, and if you are disciplined, you can succeed without taking the course.

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I took the Jan-Apr 2003 course in Toronto and found it to be pretty helpful. I didn't have too much bio background at the time and it was good to have a book that helped me to focus on specific areas. I was pleasantly surprised that the course was taught by 2nd year med students at U of T. They were knowledgeable, helpful and really wanted us to do well. Someone I knew took the Princeton course at Mac last summer and it was a totally different story...

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