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PR's Information at the HBSU Medical School Symposium

Guest Kirsteen

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Guest Kirsteen



A Princeton Review representative (and stress ball-throwing henchmen) was present to share the following:


1) PR feel that ~250-300 hours are required to prepare for the MCAT. They offer 102 hours of class time per course and 5 formal, full-length exams.


2) PR are offering $100 off any PR course to HBSU members.


3) PR are offering a free, full-length, mock MCAT on the UofT campus for anyone who wishes to get a feel for writing an MCAT. This will take place on March 6th. Call the PR Toronto offices to register for the event.


4) PR goody bags were handed out containing course information for all 2004 courses, an organic chemistry reaction wheel and a science sample book containing excerpts from PR textbooks. PR also had a raffle that resulted in 5 students winning a PR book, and 1 student winning a free, full-length PR MCAT course.




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Guest TimmyMax



Wow, that's some pretty cool stuff that PR has to offer- I remember that they had some pretty sweet prizes to offer as part of their raffle last year as well- a free PR course?! That's like a $1700(?) value!

The free mock MCAT is new this year. For those of you wondering exactly what is involved with the MCAT, I'd strongly recommend signing up to take it (is it only open to UT or HBSU students?)- that way if it's not your bag, or you just want to see what the deal is, you can save yourself the big-a$$ed fees and stress by writing it for free! What a deal!


Best of luck!



P.S.: I am NOT a PR sales rep or anything ridiculous like that, so don't get any ideas- it's just a great offer, that's all!

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


Yeh, it was pretty nice of them to offer a full MCAT course as one of their prizes. The prize-winner looked just a little pleased. :D


As to the mock MCAT on Mar. 6th, they did not comment on whether it was for UofT or HBSU students solely. Given that they are trying to attract folks to their course, I doubt they'd make it an ultra-exclusive affair.




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