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No Organic

Guest seonagh

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Guest seonagh

Hello all,

I was planning on taking my organic chem this summer but it looks like my school won't be offering it:( .


Any ideas on how possible it would be to learn the orgo you need and study everything else for the MCAT between June and the August date. I will have just finished taking all of the first year Bio, inorg. chem and physics so just refreshing needed on that.


Also I have not taken anatomy or physio etc. I have a pretty poor MCAT prep book and it seems to have a lot of that in the review sections. How much of that do you really need?


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Guest biomedeng



I was in a similar position a year ago. I started studying in january for the april mcat. I did not have biology or organic chem, as I never took them as part of engineering.


I ended up getting a 10 in the biological sciences.


Here is how I did it:


* get the kaplan mcat study book. read throught it all, and take some quick notes. they summarize all the info you need.

* then do a ton of practice questions. if you are strong in the other sections you should have more time to focus in on the bio and organic. I basically learned the bio and organic for the mcat - did the practice exams and learned from my mistakes.

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Guest studentz

Get the Kaplan book and pay attention to the AAMC content list. In other words, completely ignore the benzene, alkene and alkyne sections (except nomenclature for the last two) since you won't need "prior knowledge" of these topics.


I hated orgo at uni, didn't do well in it, and because of that Kaplan book (& my willingness to ignore the instructor's advice to still study the superfluous sections) I got a 14 on BS.


Don't fear it!;)

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


I believe that the Princeton Review offers an intensive Organic Chemistry preparatory course that is completely independent of their regular MCAT course. I'm not sure if you have to be registered in the MCAT course in order to register in the Organic Chemistry course, but it might be worth your while to give them a shout to find out more.




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Guest seonagh

Thanks for the advice folks. It is really encouraging to see that you had good results!!!!!

Is the Princeton review course available online or distance? I am in Cape Breton and I don't think that there are any courses like that near here (can't even buy any MCAT review books here without ordering them online :( )


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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there Seonagh,


I'm not up to date on the schedules and locations of the Princeton Review organic chemistry courses. I think that they tend to add courses and locations to suit demand though, so you might wish to give them a shout to learn some more details.




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Guest byjude

Kaplan offers a completely online course to cover all of the MCAT prep.. I'm not sure if they also offer online versions of the segments, but I'll bet they do.. check out kaplan.com


Alternatively, I think athabasca university (the distance ed univ) offers orgo by distance, but you still have to go there (to alberta) for 3-4 days to do the labs. But honestly, focusing on the MCAT version of orgo rather than taking an orgo course is probably a better strategy.

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