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Keeping the motivation going to ace MCAT

Guest dr2b

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Hey Guys,


I've found studying for the MCAT to be fairly full on - but I've also found a great way to relax and still benefit is to read some 'lighter' medically related books. This not only gives me a chance to unwind, but importantly keeps me motivated and my eyes fixed on the prize.


I've read three books which I've really enjoyed - and recommend - motivating but fun to read. (I bought them from Amazon and have pasted the links below .. but I'm sure you could find them at lots of other book stores).


I'm keen to hear of other books people have found motivational/inspirational for my next purchase .. and more importantly study break! :-P


The books that I've read and recommend are:


The Intern Blues: The Timeless Classic About the Making

of a Doctor

** Amazon link so you can read the blurb, etc.



First, Do No Harm

** Amazon link so you can read the blurb, etc.



The House of God

** Amazon link so you can read the blurb, etc.



Another book that I think everyone has and recommends that I find useful is Kaplan MCAT Comprehensive Review ( www.amazon.com/exec/obido...ce&s=books ) which provides summaries of all the science sections, and reviews verbal reasoning and essay writing. I used this as my basis for knowing what to study for in the MCAT.


Anyway, get out to your book store and get some inspiration. You can do it!!!

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Guest Spencer



As the title suggests, the Intern "Blues" are just that...it might kinda freak you out if your goal is to get into medicine, especially pediatrics! What a nightmare for the interns in the book! Anyway...take the book with a grain of salt if you decide to read it...it dates back to 80s and it was centred at a large tertiary facility in NYC...so I don't think you'll run into as much trouble as these interns did if you got into medicine...furthermore, Canadian grads don't even have to go through internship! It is a good book though...don't get me wrong...just don't be turned off about medicine because the negative experiences of three interns is written down on paper!


House of God, eh? That's even older than Intern Blues, isn't it?

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  • 3 months later...
Guest foekd89

Excuse me? Canadians grads DO have to go through internship, just like American grads. We just call ourselves "1st year residents" instead of "interns".


Trust me, I know - I suffered through 365 days of internship hell...

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I heard so many reccomendations for house of god, picked it up, read the first 200 pages and stopped cause it just got so repetitive. I mean half of it is erotica with Molly and "thunder thighs" and the rest of it is just about the GOMERS lol.

I read "A not entirely benign procedure" last month and found it a LOTTTTT better, good short stories, some make you smile, others make you think, just a lot better read


dr2b are you writing in April too?

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Guest Ian Wong

House of God doesn't make sense until you've spent time in the hospital taking care of patients, especially Internal Medicine inpatients. Then it's the funniest book in the world. :)



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Guest TimmyMax



I agree with Ian- it doesn't make sense to be reading that book until you are already in medical school, and even then, it would have been more relevant to have read it after starting clerkship- you may get the wrong idea about a lot of things...;)


Best of luck!


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