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Where to buy examkrackers?

Guest rashika

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Guest rashika



Where's the best place to buy examkrackers complete study package 5th edition in Canada? I've tried Chapters and Indigo, but they do not carry it.



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Guest michca

Try ordering online, or ordering it directly from the Examkracker's website. I think I saw a copy at the University of Toronto bookstore as well. Hope this helps!:D

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Guest kirin

I found examkrackers superior to Kaplan.

Why? Basically helps you to focus on what is important, while Kaplan likes to give you too much useless info.


Anyway, try http://www.amazon.ca. Their price is better than the official examkracker's website.


Alternatively, you could try ebay.


Good luck!

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Guest Chillibow

These books contain many questions in basic sciences for the MCAT. All relevant topics are covered - to some degree; however, I feel that this program is not the best for review. The main objection I have is that the format of materials is NOT what appears on the MCAT. Most MCAT questions are based on a reading passage and very few of the Examcracker's questions are in that form. Those that are based on a passage are very simple when compared to the real MCAT questions. I scored well on the physical sciences section but it was because I worked through real MCAT practice exams. Do not use this book as your sole source for chemistry preparation. I've said this dozens of times to friends, "If you purchase a 'comprehensive' review book make sure you also use old college books, old college notes, and work through old MCAT exams."


As the old saying goes "You pays your money, you takes your chances..."


Just My two cents....

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