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length of MCAT

Guest amd20

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Guest amd20

Can anyone tell me approx. how late the MCAT will go on Saturday? I know how long each section is, but can anyone give me a rough estimate of how long the entire test will take with collecting the exams, etc...?




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Guest Salkh

It'll be a very long day, probably around 10 hours. The first thing you do is line up to have your thumb print taken and to show them your admission ticket. You'll wait about an hour for them to get through everyone. Before each section you have to fill out a fairly extensive bubble sheet with your info., and after each section the proctors have to count the number of pages of each booklet. Then they make you fill out a survey after BS, which is the last thing you'll want to do. Last year, I got to the test center at 8:00 am and left around 6:00 pm. It's worth it in the end though! Good luck on the 14th.

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Guest sparkle

It can totally vary and depends on:


1) how efficiently the proctors run the test

2) how many people are writing at your center


I only had to line up for about 10 minutes to get finger printed and id - which took like 6 seconds max :) I'm not too good at estimateing but I think there was probably about 200 people where I wrote. I was out slightly before 5pm.

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Guest aneliz

It varies by test centre... but I think most people were done somewhere between 5:15-6:00 the year I wrote.


Two things to remember for test day:


1. Don't be late in the morning...

2. BRING your lunch... it saves running around/lining up to try and buy greasy, nasty, cafeteria food on a Sat in Aug!

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