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best way to prepare for MCAT?

Guest Agent999

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Guest Agent999

I have tried and failed the MCAT twice. I signed up for Kaplan before my first try and it doesnt seem to help much. I tried ExamKrackers 101 Verbal along with Kaplan Science books and again it didnt help me on my second try.. Is there any good absolute way to prepare for the MCAT? I am planning to write the MCAT next April, so I have 1 whole year to study for it and time wont be a factor. Thanks a lot

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Guest T dawg 2004

The MCAT is a big test. No Kidding, eh? But when it comes down to it, there is a LOT of material to cover.


If you've tried a prep course and still not done as well as you'd have hoped, then let me ask you this: what did you do to study?


Most students (esp prep course students) just sit back and expect their tutor to cram stuff in their brain (i know, i was an instructor)... Not a very good idea.


You need to make lists, organize material, prioritize your learning, make pneumonic devices, read, read, read!


There's a lot to do, and unless you're a genius, then, you have to put in the work.


Just doing practice tests and workbooks isn't going to be sufficient. You need to sit down and assess what you're doing badly on, and where you can do better.


Now, if you're trying to write the MCAT without a solid basis on any particular subject area (i.e. Orgo, without having taken Orgo in school), then perhaps that is a problem. Moreover, if you haven't taken Multiple Choice type tests, then that could be another barrier.


Ok. That's all I can suggest right now, seeing as i know nothing about the particulars of your academic history.


(p.s. do or do not, there is no try. Yoda said it best. BUT ALSO, there is no FAIL o the MCAT).

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Guest Agent999

I know part of the reason why I failed is that I didnt put in enough time (I was doing summer research and studying for the MCAT at the same time, I am no genius and such multi-tasking is too much).


I know to succeed one must put in effort, and I said I am willing to spend this coming 10 months to study for the MCAT. I know what multiple choices are like as I graduated with a B.Sc.(HONS) in Life Science.


All I wanted are guidelines, some known successful ways people have tried that worked. I really dont want my determination and hardwork being wasted on an inefficient menthod.


I know ExamKrackers are good, and I am gonna get those for verbal and the sciences. But is there anything else I could do? I know we can get AAMC practice test, but are these the only ways? Of course aside from Kaplan, I didnt find it to be very helpful, especially the damn mapping technique for verbal. I always end up wasting time decorating the passage instead of filling in the answers or understanding the underlying meaning of the author.

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