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MCAT Organic Chemistry Requirement

Guest roboboy69

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Guest roboboy69

Hi Folks,


I will be writing the MCAT next year and have a question regarding the extent of organic chemistry required for the test. I am in the process of completing the requirements (Physics, Bio, Chem) but will have only completed a half-year course in Organic Chem. by next year. Is completing the introductory organic chemistry course sufficient to write the MCAT and do well? Or should I wait until I've completed a full-year of organic chemistry?


Another option might be to complete the first half-course of organic, and catch up on all relevant knowledge typically found in the second-half course on my own, before writing the MCAT.


Any suggestions?



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Guest Gill0927

Hi RB,


It shouldn't be too much of a problem only having half of orgo done when you write the MCAT provided you study hard and are prepared to do some 'self-directed learning'. When I wrote the MCAT I didn't have any orgo courses under my belt at all (actually, I didn't have any of the pre-reqs, really). I just had to study really hard and I made sure to know what they test on the MCAT. I also got myself an tutor to help me out with all the sciences (she happened to specialize in orgo and biochem though). I ended up doing well.


It's definitely doable if you need to do it...hope this helped.



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Guest dopetown



Learning half an organic chem course is definitely do-able. At my school, students are saying how the second half of the course is much easier than the first.


I'm studying without any organic chem courses. I'm not doing that well, but it's only because i'm a tool.



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Guest redhedmed

Like Gill, I had no organic chem courses when I wrote the MCAT. I had first-year chem and bio so I bluffed my way through the organic chem questions to get a 10 on that section. 10 worked for me but I don't know what kind of marks you need.

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Guest dopetown



You must've done incredibly well in non-orgo passages to have scored a 10 in BS.


How many orgo passages did you get? Did you have any prior knowledge of orgo at all before taking the test? A 10 in BS is very impressive without having learned any orgo.



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Guest Elaine I

I have next to no organic knowledge, but still managed to get an 11 on the bio section of the MCAT in April. I had two organic passages, one which was essentially nomenclature, and one where I had no clue and guessed. Therefore, it is possible to do well on the bio section with significantly less organic chem than you'll have by the time you write.


BTW, I attribute my high mark on the bio section in part to the family sized Cadbury chocolate bar that I ate during the last break. While many people were starting to drop off, I had a ton of energy from that much chocolate!



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