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MCAT Location York U

Guest Rome1

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Guest Rome1



I was wondering if anyone here has written their MCAT at the YOrk location. If so, what did you think of it? I am not too familiar with the campus and not too sure what to expect. Approximately how many people write in one room?


Thanks for the help guys,


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Guest avisee

The Kaplan website has a forum where MCAT locations are rated by students who wrote there previously. I'm writing at York as well, so I looked into it. Apparently, Vari Hall is consistently freezing cold with the air conditioner on high blast, except in the writing last August, when it was boiling hot because it came right after the blackout and York was conserving energy. Not sure if post-blackout logic has convinced them to go easy on the A/C, but bottom line: wear layers!


You can read more about the evaluations of each MCAT site at the Kaplan website, but that was really the most I got out of it, aside from the fact that there is no visible clock so you should make sure you remember your watch..

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Guest nextstopmd

Hi there,


I actually wrote the MCAT at York last September... Originally I was supposed to write the test at Guelph in August, but due to the blackout, the test was canceled that weekend and I got moved to York a couple weeks later.


The room where we wrote was in Vari Hall, which is a newish building. I'm not particularly sensitive to temperature, so I can't comment on whether or not the room was hot or cold, but I would definitely recommend bringing a sweatshirt or something just in case.


The layout of the room was one of the typical lecture halls where you enter at the back, which is high up, and each row forward gets progressively lower til you reach the front of the room. No worries about right/left handedness since we wrote on long tables that occupied the length of each row. Plenty of room for everyone and no creaky desks to drive you nuts.


Next door was the building with a food court. I can't really remember what places there were, but I seem to remember a selection of different things.


Best of luck on your MCAT... :)

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Guest pinkbonkers


So there are actually tables that you write on during the MCAT and not those tiny little desks that come out from the sides of the chair?

Also, do they seat everyone right next to each other (eg. no spaces in between)?

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Guest peachy

When I wrote at York, I was in Ross (the building attached to Vari), but also in a room with comfortable long desks. I can't remember the layout exactly, but I'm pretty sure there was at least one empty chair between us, and probably more. I don't remember being cramped. :)

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Guest nextstopmd

Yes the room I wrote in had no desks, only the long tables. There weren't many of us writing so we had plenty of space between us (at least 1 empty seat, maybe 2, I can't remember).


You could do a lot worse than the room I wrote in. I'm pretty sure there will be several different rooms this time around, so you never really know what you're going to get.

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Guest avisee

Does anyone know about the parking situation?


I imagine you must have to pay for parking - but are there visitor lots, or cheaper lots? Or do we somehow qualify for free parking?

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Guest avisee

Excellent link, thanks.


So it's basically 5 or 7 bucks, depending on how far you want to walk. Grr, I hate being stuck in a location/city I didn't request and having to pay more for it! Hopefully the tables at Vari will make up for it!

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