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Should i have my MCAT ticket by now???

Guest amd20

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Guest amd20

I still havent' recieved confirmation of my MCAT location yet. Should I be concerned that my registration didn't go through?



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Guest UofT Student

You will need your admission ticket to register on the morning of the MCAT, so you should try to obtain it as soon as possible. Contact AAMC.

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Guest mitchie41

My ticket was lost in the mail too.


I contacted the AAMC and they said everything should be here by August the 6th.


But you should have also recieved your ID card by now-I got it in the mail yesterday.

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Guest amd20

Wow, this is definately a bad omen...


I received a confirmation email but that's it. I'm sure they've processed my application though because they charged the fee to my credit card...


I'll call first thing tommorow I guess

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