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Best way to get started

Guest Gedz1

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Guest Gedz1



I just got the following Kaplan books from a friend who took the course last year: Verbal Reasoning / Writing Review Notes, Lesson Book, Physical Sciences Review notes and Biological Scienes Review Notes. Im going to be writing the MCAT in august figure i should get started because im a 4th year mechanical engineer and havnt taken any bio, chem or essay courses. Im going to take orgo or bio (probably orgo) during the spring term to satisfy pre-reqs and to help prepare.


What do you think is the best way for me to approach all this material? Unfortunately i dont have any old mcats yet.



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Guest Steve U of T

If you go to Kaplan's or Princeton Review's respective websites, I think you can do a free online practice MCAT to see where your strengths and weaknesses lie. It's a reasonably good indicator of the content of the real thing.

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In the actual Kaplan course, we did a modified test first to find our strengths and weaknesses and then we rotated through doing BS, PS, and VR/WS chapters each week. I suggest just getting started reading the review notes and then going over the appropriate stuff in the lesson book to see if you've gotten it.

Good luck


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