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Can it ALL be done before the August MCAT?

Guest dayne67

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Guest dayne67

Hi, I am an engineering university student who took a year off from his regular program to take courses to fulfil the pre-requisite courses for certain Med Schools. I am taking First Year Bio (BGYA01H3F/S), Chem (CHMA10H3F/S), Psychology (PSYA01) and some other electives. I plan on writing the MCAT in August. I haven't taken a human/mammalian physiology course, but we have covered a fair bit of physiology in my first year course. Plus, I haven't taken an organic chemistry course. We only covered about 2 chapters of organic chem in my first year chem class. Is it wise to rely on self-study to fill in the gaps in my knowledge of physiology and organic chem during this summer and then write the MCAT in August?


I have taken a look at the specific topics that will be covered in the MCAT for this year, and I think it is possible to learn the information that I don't know yet in an independent manner. I am a fairly decent independent learner and I don't mind self-study.


Or am I being naive? Should I take an organic chem over the summer to prepare myself for the MCAT and at the same time fulfill one of Western's prerequisite courses?


I am a little confused and would appreciate some advice. Thanks.

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