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Acceptance Real?

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This is a silly silly silly post, but is anyone else kind of not believing that they were accepted? With all the crap that happened with Queen’s this year, I find myself constantly checking my acceptance letter and UCAN account to confirm that this is real (got the two e-mails from Dr. Walker today as well, so am still on his e-mail list at least!)…I need to hit the “decline” button on my UBC acceptance but am having a hard time doing so (even though I sent my certified cheque to U of C today)….someone help and tell me to hit the decline button (and no one on the UBC waitlist please, lol ;) )

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Oh there was just a bunch of nonsense from Queen’s regarding sending out the wrong batch of interview invites, and I believe there was an issue with releasing the post-interview results too early for some applicants. This just created some medical school paranoia for some (myself included, lol)….no worries, I declined UBC and congratulate the next waitlisted person – whoever that is certainly deserves it :) I for one am super excited about attending U of C this coming year :)

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