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How much of a disadvantage do 3rd years have vs. 4th years?

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well there's also the subjective component of the academic score, where grad students supposedly have an advantage because of their greater academic experience. As such, the third years would have a disadvantage because of a limited experience.

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well there's also the subjective component of the academic score, where grad students supposedly have an advantage because of their greater academic experience. As such, the third years would have a disadvantage because of a limited experience.


What do you mean by subjective component?

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What do you mean by subjective component?


There is a subjective component to how the U of C assigns your academic score - so it's not just based on what your GPA is. From what I know, they factor in the trend in your GPA (ie. your GPA rose consecutively each year over the years you were in undergrad), as well as what courses you took (level of difficulty and whatnot), etc. They never actually tell you how the subjective component is scored, so it's all speculation as to what they factor in, but they do tell you that a subjective component exists.

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By subjective component I was only referring to the academic score's subjective component. If you're a 3rd year, chances are you've taken many more lower year courses than higher year...whereas a mature applicant has taken many upper year courses (more difficult) That`s not saying that mature applicants are always scored higher than 3rd yrs...but they have a much better opportunity to get high scores.

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