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To those who were accepted, spring/summer GPA?

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people dont post their spring/summer gpa


edit: maybe you misunderstood what i was asking.


"Usually, courses taken during the spring and summer sessions are not counted in the full-time study requirement nor the grade point average but are considered as indicators of the student’s academic background."


I'm asking are there people who do poorly on their spring/summer courses ie a 2.7GPA because they took hard courses (ochem,physics or what not) but their cGPA which is unaffected by their spring courses is say a 3.7cgpa.

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people dont post their spring/summer gpa


edit: maybe you misunderstood what i was asking.


"Usually, courses taken during the spring and summer sessions are not counted in the full-time study requirement nor the grade point average but are considered as indicators of the student’s academic background."


I'm asking are there people who do poorly on their spring/summer courses ie a 2.7GPA because they took hard courses (ochem,physics or what not) but their cGPA which is unaffected by their spring courses is say a 3.7cgpa.


Sorry, I did misread your question. As for the answer, C looks at the courses, when taken, how many courses, what courses, the combination of the courses etc. So if all the hard courses are taken in the summer and the person is doing bad in them, and has a high GPA because of bird courses, then this will have an affect on the overall academic component (clearly this shows that the GPA is inflated compared to the average applicant, who would have taken thse courses during the year..). Now if it is 1 or 2 courses then it wont matter much.

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I mostly took stuff in the summer that I couldn't fit into my schedule during the school year. We had to take 6 or 8 1-credit physics lab courses (a regular class was 3 credits, so they didn't count for as much) that were 3 or 4 hours long and hard to fit in with the normal classes and work, so I took at least half of them during summers. They were fairly easy to get A's in because you just had to mess with your equipment or computer until you got it to do what you were supposed to do, so my spring/summer GPA is actually higher than my cGPA. But they're also only weighted 1/3 as much as a normal course. I doubt that they affected my application very much.

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I screwed up a couple courses in the summer + during the year as a part-time student after my degree. My cGPA was mediocre too (around 3.6). I had 4 full-time years with a strong upward trend, so I think that's why my academic score must have been decent. My guess is they don't put that much weighing into courses taken part-time/summer, but who really knows, it's subjective.

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