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Would you apply this year or wait until next?

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If I were interviewing you and you said what you said in that post, I would def give you top marks!


I don't know much about GPAs, MCAT cut-offs and such but I think you should look into Mac (especially) and also U of T and Queen's. All three of these schools seem to have soft spots for non-trads like us. Others can advise more on GPA, etc, but it sounds like if you make it to the interview stage you will have a very good shot.


The thing that sticks out to me is the LORs. You will want to make sure you have stunning LORs, so if your boss is going to have hard feelings, you probably want to find another person.


One more thing... I would guess that schools might be concerned about your ability to be a learner again, so if you kill the MCAT then they will have confidence that your academic abilities are still strong. Maybe you can use that as study motivation.

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PS I am sorry I didn't answer your initial question... I think you should apply this year. There is lots of time to get your application together. As a nontrad I don't think schools are as concerned with volunteering as they are with the young 'uns. The schools want to make sure the applicant is well rounded. With your unique background, it sounds like you are fine with respect to experience.

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I also think you should apply this year. Your chances of getting in probably aren't very high, but you definitely have a chance. Even if it doesn't work out, the experience will help you for your next application.


I would work on your extracurriculars over the next year, that's probably the weak point of your application right now. Also a LOT depends on your MCAT.

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I'm in a very similar situation. I think the chartered accountant will help you in the interview but I don't know about the application? I am wondering the same thing for my profession. I realize how difficult the CA is and that you are a "professional" already. I wonder if anyone has any input.


A question for you, how do you plan to leave a high paying CA job for 4-8 years of medical school?

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Being Metis means that there should be some scholarships that I may qualify for. In addition to that we will have to move so we will sell our house and buy a new one, but take out some of the equity in our house to cover tuition and books. My husband's job should be able to cover our living expenses. If all else fails I suppose there are loans available. We haven't talked too much about it because it is something we will deal with if the time ever comes!!


What about you?

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