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References Again

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Also a Dal reapplicant and also questioning references!

Last year I had one "academic" and one good reference.

I always wondered, since I never got any concrete answers from anyone (and answers I got were dodgy...), does it matter if both references are not from academia?

Because I know two people, both work in a similar field, has absolutely nothing to do with school, and I think they can both say really good (non-academic) things about me.

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If you application to dal was not deferred on the basis of ur previous references then just stick with them. If they were fine the first time, then its really pointless to change them (for the dal app anyway). It will just end up being more work for you, and someone else, rather then just having ur previous references resend their letters. I know that doesnt sound like the best answer, as I know ur trying to do what ever you can to improve ur application for this year, but as stated before - when it comes to dalhousie, references letters are just a flag... in other words, dont worry about a section of ur app that wont be scored, just stick with what worked before.

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Hi there...new to the forum. I have a question about the online application with respect to references. Are we supposed to put references in the "Additional Information" section? The part where I'm assuming I'm supposed to fill in the "first" reference is missing, but yesterday there was a place requiring me to put in a "second" reference. However, the sentences above instructing on what to provide for each degree program don't mention anything about providing references for medicine. Where are we supposed to write our references down (or not at all)?



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Maybe I should also ask if when you press the "Application is Complete" button, does it let you view your application as a whole (and then go back to make any requisite changes)? I also am having trouble with another part of the application where I put in previous universities attended because it doesn't let me view ones I've already put in and don't want to submit anything I can't see..


Thanks again

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sounds like a reasonable answer hungover. I was questioning my second reference because, well, it was a bit fishy and awkward when I asked for it. Guess it was good enough. :D


And yeah Towel, I was getting ahead of myself. It'll show up in step 2.

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