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Transcript and MCAT receipt problems, anyone?

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This morning, a friend of mine received an email that his transcript hasn't. Even received by the dal admissions office yet and he has until Friday to get it in.


Then I received an email that my MCAT scores have they been received and I have until next Monday to get them in.


Funny thing is both of us wondered why our statuses on the dal app hadn't been updated as received for the above items and even called in to check. It seems to me there is something unusually subpar happening at the office and that makes me nervous.


Anyone else in a similar position?

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Hey, how do you check your status for the dal app? Although I haven't received any emails from them yet, I am also wondering about the status for my MCAT scores.


You can check on DalOnline. http://www.dal.ca --> DalOnline

There's a section under Admissions --> Complete or Update Application and it should appear somewhere there.


My status hasn't changed there for over a month...


To the OP: that's strange you got those e-mails, I didn't get any of those (yet).

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Did they get your transcript though?


My MCAT section on DalOnline is still blank. They said to check my stuff there, and clearly, it's still not there. Sounds like they don't know what's going on.


The AAMC system still says it was sent out ages ago (July), wonder if I need to re-release it. Getting annoyed; anyone else still have blanks in their DalOnline system for received items (like MCAT and transcript)?

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On my DalOnline, it has dates for all the items (except for reference letters, but Im assuming that shouldn't even be there in the first place since it says we don't need references), but on my application status it says: "Incomplete Items Outstanding."


Should I be worried?


Mine said "Incomplete items outstanding" throughout the whole process and even after I was accepted. But you could always call them if you wanted to be sure.

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