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Scoring Breakdown

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Does anyone know where the admissions presentation (with the scoring breakdown) went? In the spring, their website stated that they would post a new one, but I don't see the old or new one now. Does anyone know if they are changing it?


Last year, I believe it was:

10 pts MCAT

15 pts GPA

35 pts Supplemental

40 pts Interview

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Does anyone know where the admissions presentation (with the scoring breakdown) went? In the spring, their website stated that they would post a new one, but I don't see the old or new one now. Does anyone know if they are changing it?


Last year, I believe it was:

10 pts MCAT

15 pts GPA

35 pts Supplemental

40 pts Interview

The formula has remained that way for a few years now. I think it is safe to assume that it will remain the same (or at least similar) unless they tell us otherwise. Even if they do change it, I have a feeling the weighting on the interview score won't change.

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