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Medical Volunteer Opportunity in Halifax

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Hi everyone,


We are looking for female volunteers for an Emergency Medicine Ultrasound course in Halifax on November 30th, 2011. This would be a full-day commitment and would be a great opportunity for students planning on a career in medicine.


You would be volunteering as a non-pathological model. You would be having abdominal ultrasounds performed on you by training physicians and residents. It's a great opportunity to learn about Emergency Bedside Ultrasound as well as basic anatomy.


It doesn't hurt and it's non-invasive. If you are interested or know of someone interested please send me a message and I will give you more details. Please include an email address for contact in your private message so I can better get in touch with you.




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SPs are mostly used as actors to learn a case, a patient presentation, and symptoms/signs relevant to the condition they're pretending to present with. Also, they're payed. Since none of the acting is needed here, SPs wouldn't be any more beneficial than another volunteer, but they would certainly be more expensive.

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Plus it's not put on by the medical school it's a course administered by the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians, they wouldn't have access to the SPs.


I still need volunteers however, there's food provided and it's a great learning opportunity.



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