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Average number of points of accepted students?

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And in case that link doesn't work for people who aren't on a university library system, it's called: Where Judgement Fails: Pitfalls in the Selection Process for Medical Personnel by Kevin W. Eva and Harold I. Reiter


Good luck. I believe that you need more information than they gave us last year in order to calculate your z-score, but it's basically how you did on each section compared to everyone else. It's a way of compensating for different variances among measures.

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How is the z-score calculated? The comments from last year are a little all over the place.


Thanks :)


Despite a lot of effort from people on the WL last year the z-scores were never a helpful indication. Unfortunately I think this is because there is too much missing info to use it properly.


Regarding the initial post, for the OOP students out there I had just shy of 78 points/100 overall and I didn't get off the WL. It seemed to move a little less than average last year, so that may be a little off. Unfortunately I don't know much about IP.

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And in case that link doesn't work for people who aren't on a university library system, it's called: Where Judgement Fails: Pitfalls in the Selection Process for Medical Personnel by Kevin W. Eva and Harold I. Reiter


Good luck. I believe that you need more information than they gave us last year in order to calculate your z-score, but it's basically how you did on each section compared to everyone else. It's a way of compensating for different variances among measures.


Thanks for the link. I don't have a background in stats, but the z-scoring in the article seems to solve the problem with variance because the GPA and ABS were supposed to be weighted equally in that example. In Dal's scoring system, it's my understanding that the Academic (25), Supplementary (35), and Interview (40) are all weighted differently, so why account for variance to ensure that each contributes equally to the score when they're not supposed to contribute equally anyway? I have obviously missed some major point here/have the whole understanding of z-scores messed up. I still find it confusing. I won't worry about it now though anyway! Thanks again for posting the link.

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