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Choosing an American Medical School


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So I'm graduating from the university of Toronto (Neuroscience) with a 3.67 cGPA and a 34 (12/11/11) on the MCAT. I'm dead set on applying to American schools this year and starting in 2013. I've done extensive research on this website on which schools to apply to, and still haven't come up with a complete list of schools I should apply to. I'm a Canadian Citizen so take that into consideration when suggesting schools to apply to. I am applying to all mid/low tier schools and plan on applying to 12 - 13 schools. So Far this is the list I've come up with...


Albert Einstein

New York Medical College

Albany (they don't take canadians anymore ??)

University of Kentucky

Boston university

Penn state



Wayne State


wake Forest




Any where I shouldn't be applying to ??? ANY schools I should add as safeties, I NEED to get in I dont think my desperation was properly communicated in this message :P


ANY MORE SUGGESTIONS ?!?!? I want to get my application started asap so i have ample time to work on it. Thank you for your suggestions.

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Think about NYU and CWRU as well- both great schools that will certainly interview students with your stats.


Also, I don't know what your financial situation is like, but you might want to reconsider schools with escrow policies like NYMC if your list is getting long.

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Hey thank you for the replies, I actually have to keep in mind finances. What do you guys think of my chances at the schools I've listed I have fairly mediocre extra curriculars but will obviously try to add to them as much as i can. If I don't get in this cycle I will probably end up in the Caribbean.

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So I'm graduating from the university of Toronto (Neuroscience) with a 3.67 cGPA and a 34 (12/11/11) on the MCAT. I'm dead set on applying to American schools this year and starting in 2013. I've done extensive research on this website on which schools to apply to, and still haven't come up with a complete list of schools I should apply to. I'm a Canadian Citizen so take that into consideration when suggesting schools to apply to. I am applying to all mid/low tier schools and plan on applying to 12 - 13 schools. So Far this is the list I've come up with...


Albert Einstein

New York Medical College

Albany (they don't take canadians anymore ??)

University of Kentucky

Boston university

Penn state



Wayne State


wake Forest




Any where I shouldn't be applying to ??? ANY schools I should add as safeties, I NEED to get in I dont think my desperation was properly communicated in this message :P


ANY MORE SUGGESTIONS ?!?!? I want to get my application started asap so i have ample time to work on it. Thank you for your suggestions.


Albany is done

Penn and UKC are state schools you have no chance

Wake isnt to international friendly...as they look at you last even if ur done wayyy early


theres wisconsin and a couple of..if your lucky Cali schools (ucla)..craighton..Washington (in stl) and the one in DC, Tufts, harvard, columbia, NYMC (with a 1% acceptance...lol)..jefferson, then you got the beautiful Tennesse state of: vanderbilt and morehouse


...theres a new school in virgina..i dunno if their international friendly (google them)-- i think its king Uni in virgina...very new!...

starting 2012



theres a "master list" out there...best chances are pretty much all of NY and Illinose, Michigen, Mass and DC.


FLA, NJ, Carolinas, most south states, cali, pittsberg hate internatonals


texas has their own system..which can get VERYY VERYYY annoying bc you gotto do EVERYTHINGG in thier own system...but you get an extra 3 MD school and 1 DO.



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Hey thank you for the replies, I actually have to keep in mind finances. What do you guys think of my chances at the schools I've listed I have fairly mediocre extra curriculars but will obviously try to add to them as much as i can. If I don't get in this cycle I will probably end up in the Caribbean.


sorry to say..but if you have head back yet..no chance...


those schools are hard...


andd to the fact theres massive international bias..its as hard as getitng into a canadian system...


canadian being even easier as they look at best 2 years..etc


no mcats...


but in your case the MCATs are the only bright spot out there..so the mcat can help...


hopefully iam wrong and you can get accepted...

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I believe OP is applying next application cycle. But yes, if it were this cycle, and you haven't heard back yet, it's probably too late. I think your list is pretty good!


sorry to say..but if you have head back yet..no chance...


those schools are hard...


andd to the fact theres massive international bias..its as hard as getitng into a canadian system...


canadian being even easier as they look at best 2 years..etc


no mcats...


but in your case the MCATs are the only bright spot out there..so the mcat can help...


hopefully iam wrong and you can get accepted...

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I would include Chicago Medical School at RFUMS....


I think they are one of the medical school in the states that accept the most Canadians. We have about 10 Canadians this year.


Last year they had the highest step 1 (out of the ILlinois med schools) score average beating Northwestern and UChicago.


It's a great school for multi degree programs - I'm doing a M.H.C.M. / M.Sc. / M.D. in 5 years......I've finished the M.Sc. and currently finihsing my M.H.C.M....I'm midway in 1st year as a medical student....i love this school.

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I'm also a Canadian at CMS (first year med), definitely consider coming here! :)


I would include Chicago Medical School at RFUMS....


I think they are one of the medical school in the states that accept the most Canadians. We have about 10 Canadians this year.


Last year they had the highest step 1 (out of the ILlinois med schools) score average beating Northwestern and UChicago.


It's a great school for multi degree programs - I'm doing a M.H.C.M. / M.Sc. / M.D. in 5 years......I've finished the M.Sc. and currently finihsing my M.H.C.M....I'm midway in 1st year as a medical student....i love this school.

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I would also note that the averages are skewered down by many applicants who are considered underrepresented minorities and hence are heavily recruited by schools despite lower GPAs. Not trying to start a flame war here (I'm not saying whether I agree or disagree with this policy), but many if not most or all US schools have a stated goal to recruit more URMs despite lower GPAs that URMs typically have. As a Canadian, I would say you should aim for at or above their published averages to have a decent chance.

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there was a chart for this on sdn...


i think anything below a 28 and a 3.5 you are at 0%


add the fact that your international...


30 and 3.7


This is what I thought at the beginning of this cycle, but I disagree.


I've been accepted to a US-MD this cycle with a GPA below 3.5 and 34R MCAT. I also have an interview coming up at another middle-tier school. And no, I'm not an Olympic swimmer or anything like that -- my ECs are not stellar by any means.


OP, if I can do it, you certainly can. American schools give a more 'holistic' view to applicants than Canadian schools, so they might see something in your application that even you don't.


Good luck and don't give up hope :)

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Hey thank you for the replies, I actually have to keep in mind finances. What do you guys think of my chances at the schools I've listed I have fairly mediocre extra curriculars but will obviously try to add to them as much as i can. If I don't get in this cycle I will probably end up in the Caribbean.


wise to walk away from the canadian schools. it's an abusive relationship.

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The key is that 35 MCAT. The americans really love their standardized test. So with a 35 and an acceptable GPA (3.3-3.7) you do have a shot at US schools. But, if you look at this board, no one had been accepted with a MCAT <30 for a couple of years. This should tell you something. Also, according to AAMC, the average for Canadians accepted at US schools is 3.7/33 (this was a few years ago, may be higher now). That should tell you what your chances are if you have a 3.5/28



This is what I thought at the beginning of this cycle, but I disagree.


I've been accepted to a US-MD this cycle with a GPA below 3.5 and 34R MCAT. I also have an interview coming up at another middle-tier school. And no, I'm not an Olympic swimmer or anything like that -- my ECs are not stellar by any means.


OP, if I can do it, you certainly can. American schools give a more 'holistic' view to applicants than Canadian schools, so they might see something in your application that even you don't.


Good luck and don't give up hope :)

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Do you guys think I have a shot with a 3.5 and a 32. My best 3 years are around 3.6-3.7 and I have pretty good ECs and references (one of whom was previously an adcom at a Canadian school). I applied to 4 schools late this cycle since I could only take the MCAT in late summer and got rejected from 3 and still waiting on Rosalind Franklin. Maybe I should wait and try again for next year before going to Ireland. Your thoughts? thanks.

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Try again next year (in case you don't get in). The 32 should give you a look from Wayne State and some other "low tiers". Just make sure to apply early.


Yeah, I plan to apply as soon as amcas opens. I applied to all the Irish schools and Sackler in Israel. Don't find out until late March/April. I interviewed at Sackler and from previous years everyone matched except 1 or 2 according to people on sdn and the published list looks pretty good. I'd probably do Sackler if I get in, not sure about Ireland though. Thanks for the advise.

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Just an advice on non- US med schools. There may be dramatic cuts in GME funding, meaning less spots for residency in the future. This, combined with the US are opening more medical schools, means that it may be tough for US MD students to get even a spot. If you come from a non-us school and is not a us citizen, that may make it very hard for you to match. Make sure you think twice before accepting.


Good luck


Yeah, I plan to apply as soon as amcas opens. I applied to all the Irish schools and Sackler in Israel. Don't find out until late March/April. I interviewed at Sackler and from previous years everyone matched except 1 or 2 according to people on sdn and the published list looks pretty good. I'd probably do Sackler if I get in, not sure about Ireland though. Thanks for the advise.
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  • 2 months later...

Thanks everyone for the replies. So im almost finalizing my list. I forgot to mention that even though i have a fairly decent cGPA, my sGPA is really low (3.3) I got a 64 in a second year bio course. So how does that factor in and should i even bother applying with a 3.64 (cGPA) 3.3 (sGPA) 34 mcat. What are the best low tier options, i will honestly go to any medical school in the states. Beats the hell out of Caribbean

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If I had a very low cGPA ..like 3.34, will a high MCAT score compensate for that? how high does it have to be? and what if i dont have any other extracurriculars except volunteering at a hospital.


Should I just give up? are there any other ways of getting in?




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