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Random gpa question?

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Hey guys so I have a bit of a random question. From my understanding of it, Mac wants you to state ANY college or uni course you ever took. I'm assuming that a GPA from all these courses will be calculated?


So crazy hypothetical question I was thinking about : couldn't someone "cheat" the system? Say you have a B GPA in uni and then take a year in something easy like... Baking or photography or beauty school in college and manage to get all A+ in all your courses. That would bump GPA up SIGNIFICANTLY!!


And I was thinking it would "look bad" background wise but Mac is known for being open to all backgrounds....


Yah just a conspiracy theory I randomly came up with :P hehe


I'm hoping it's not possible or there is a protection from that ? Otherwise things would become incredibly unfair. :(


What do you guys think?:) very random I know! (and ps no I'm not planning on applying to college or anything - just curious )

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College courses don't count towards your GPA. You have to disclose that you went to college and provide a transcript, but on the OMSAS app there isn't a space to enter college courses and grades.


But even if you could, one year of good marks doesn't make up for 4 years of bad.


IE. (3.0 x 4 years + 4.0 x 1 year) / 5 = 3.2 GPA.

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ooohhhh so college credits dont count?! I wonder why Mac wants it then :/ weird.... lol ok thanks for answering my question :)


Why is it weird that they want them? Their goal is to evaluate your academic background. Just because they don't take into account in their initial rankings, does not imply that they don't take it into account for full file review time.

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Mac doesn't specifically use college GPA but some schools do (Newfoundland, Calgary).


They want to see everything you've done after high school, which includes any and all post-secondary education. Just because they don't use the GPA, it doesn't mean they can't still look at the grades and see if you improved over time, or did you drop out of 3 colleges before university... stuff like that. They can get a general sense of what you've done. It won't "look bad background-wise" if you take something different in college. A lot of people go to college after high school to figure out what they want in life, or because they screwed up big time in high school and couldn't get into uni (my situation).


Also, I don't know of any "baking" or "photography" program in college. You're probably thinking about culinary school, which isn't easy. Neither is becoming an esthetician.

College isn't necessarily going to guarantee an A+. I took science and while I found the college classes were easier than university, the lab component was more intensive and difficult - when I got to university I saw students who couldn't hold a pipette properly and didn't know what distilled water was. Just wanted to clear that up since you seem to have a misconception about college programs. I found it to be very rewarding for me and challenging at the same time.

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I don't think that college would be an "easy A" especially in sciences/maths etc heck even law clerk programs can be really tough at college level. So don't think I think that you're college background is an "easyyyyy" one.


But I do think there ARE college programs that are EASY. Our local college (Algonquin) has a lot of easy programs that people take for fun!


And they do have a "baking" course - a (housewife) friend of mine took for fun. They basically baked cakes and stuff. It's not culinary school (which is mad intense!!!)


And my high school classmate did another program at Algonquin and she kept complaining how she had soooo much work to do! She had to do 5 of her friends nails and take pics of them!!!!:( -___-


So yes. In those cases, I would argue college is mega easy. :P

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