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mcmaster autobio sketch qs

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I've heard (pure speculation based on what others have said and their info was probably pure speculation) that mac looks at reference letters and ECs in the case of a tie after MMI and cGPA/VR/CASPER scoring.


but how would they be able to look at your ECs if you never submitted them?


I'm assuming all you do when signing up (and this is pure assumption..I've never applied to any school) you put in your GPA and your school transcripts and an Autobio(which includes your ECs) - but in the case of Mac there is no autobio....so ALL they get is your GPA and MCAT. Right?


They have no way of knowing anything else?!

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I thought Mac required ABS...it's just that they didn't require verifiers.


now I'm really confused. :(


Mac is my number 1 choice and the only school I'm applying to next year (trial run year)


I'd really like some clarification on all this. Preferably official links if possible?! :/ thanks!

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now I'm really confused. :(


Mac is my number 1 choice and the only school I'm applying to next year (trial run year)


I'd really like some clarification on all this. Preferably official links if possible?! :/ thanks!

Based on what I've seen through some old links, which I am lazy to find, you NEED to add in your ECs in your application and refer to them whenever possible for Casper and MMIs, but they are only officially looked at in case of a tie on all other sections between applicants.


Keep in mind that if you are only applying to Mac, read the instructions carefully as I believe Mac doesn't need verifiers or details for your ECs in the application.


Best wishes!

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A)Read the OMSAS booklet

B)Read the Mac Med site


Use google to find official links. Your answer will be there.


About time someone said that.


Let me add. Applying to medical school is something to be taken seriously. You can find dozens of people on this forum who spent hours upon hours tweaking their EC descriptions, searching for verifiers, and scrounging up answers for questions like this. So, to be completely honest, if you see just applying to McMaster as just a fun trial run and you're interested in doing the least amount of work possible (including not even reading the instruction booklet for an answer to a question you asked) - perhaps you should consider taking it as a serious trial run. Go through the process of filling out an ABS - because that's where the fun really begins.


A simple Google search confirmed what Applemanv was so kind to spell out for us. You don't need verifiers. And McMaster's website clearly states that they don't use anything they didn't specifically request as part of the selection process.


So... references - they asked for - so it makes sense that they would use those in a tie breaker. Would be surprised if they used unverified, description-less ECs but really, who knows.

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