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Interview Letters

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I was just wondering if anybody knew the method by which we will receive our acceptance/rejection/waitlist letters? I can't find information on the website! Will it be email, actual letter, or perhaps both?


Thanks to anybody who can help!

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Last year it was sent by email that contained a link to a login where you got your letter . It didn't work properly at first (you can see how much we freaked out in "waiting..." thread) but then a few minutes later I think they sent out another link that worked, or fixed the other I can't remember. Anyway, it's sent by email.

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Last year it was sent by email that contained a link to a login where you got your letter . It didn't work properly at first (you can see how much we freaked out in "waiting..." thread) but then a few minutes later I think they sent out another link that worked, or fixed the other I can't remember. Anyway, it's sent by email.


Last year I don't think that they sent out a second link, it's just everyone eventually got through on the first one. Might just have been too many people trying to access it at once.


But yeah, you get an email, with a link, type your login info in (same info you used to edit your app), and there will be a PDF of your letter.

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