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Opinions - first or last piece of info?

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Hey guys,


Okay so some of my friends who have done MMIs have told me that I should, when answering an ethical question or a critical thinking question, to present both sides of the argument and then come to my decision/conclusion.


However that kind of goes against what I would normally do - normally I would state my position on a topic and then go into my reasoning...


I guess I am doubting myself at the moment and would love some feedback/advice:


Should I (/we) be presenting both sides of the argument FIRST and then coming to my decision or state my decision and then present how I got there?


Thanks guys! *panicking just slightly*

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Other people on here might know specifically what the interviewers are told to look for, but I would do whatever you are most comfortable with. If you know right away what you think, why not state your opinion and then explain why. They just want to see that you can weigh both sides and make a reasonable/moderate decision. On the other hand, for some of the "tougher" questions it might help to talk about both sides with the interviewer and let that discussion lead you to an answer. Good luck if you have your interview this weekend! Just relax and don't overthink everything (easier said than done, I know!) :P

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Personally I like to weight both sides first, but finish with the side which I would end up taking (I find it easier to transition as I speak doing it this way)


For probing/followup questions though, I prefer to give my "yes/no" answer off the bat, and then explain why (that way the interviewer doesn't feel lost)


Personal preference in the end though, and this is just one of many ways to approach the MMI. As mentioned before do what feels most comfortable to you, because in the end this interview can really be considered "10 first impressions" and if you come off as relaxed and genuine then it will serve you better!

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