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We either vibrate with a plant, a mineral, or an animal. Duh.


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this is pretty interesting.


although mathematically, when m approaches 0, energy approaches 0 (in E=mc^2) since c is constant.


i too was surprised to hear diabeetus but u hear that a lot in canada actually lolll


idk what she meant by vibrations, but it's true all matter possess wave-like properties (wavelength of a human body is ~3.79 x 10-37 meters). If either a plant, mineral or an animal weighed similar to a human being, the wavelength would likely be very similar.


her logic sorta fell apart when she said all the mass in the universe is the size of a bowling ball so that the 'm' in E=mc^2 is negligible.

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On Science-Based Medicine, Dr. Gorski did a nice write up about this video a couple years back.


lol aside from this video, I am curious to hear people's thoughts on homeopathy :rolleyes:


It is not homeopathy itself that I find annoying. That is just a symptom. The problem is that people through little fault of their own leave highschool (and college or university) with minimal critical thinking skills and skepticism.

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My family has a bottle of homeopathic cold remedy in the kitchen. The label says "this medication has no known side effects". I crossed out the word "side".


pm101 really needs a like button!:D



I have no problem as such with naturopathic treatments (including chiropractic care and acupuncture). For naturopathic treatments, I think as long as the person's physician is aware of whatever they're taking so that any allopathic medicinal treatments they're given don't interact, I think it can be potentially useful. However, it involves monitoring of their condition and any side effects. I'd prefer my patients be open about any naturopathic treatments so I don't find out too late that they're taking St. John's Wort and some other contraindicated meds.


Chiropractic treatments and acupuncture I think can be useful for people that already use it, or are willing to use it. Even though there have been studies done that are either inconclusive or have discovered that it doesn't have any negative effect, I think that if someone is already using it, or wanting to try it, as a doc I wouldn't necessarily discourage it. I mean, if going to a chiro once a week seems to keep Mrs. Smith's pain at bay (whereas without chiro she needs daily opiods to deal with the pain) so that all she needs is an occasional tyelnol or advil, who am I to say it's hogwash and doesn't work? Even if it is a placebo effect, if it helps Mrs. Smith stay off heavier drugs for awhile, why not? I've personally used chiropractic care and find it beneficial for pain management with my back and neck.


Homeopathy is really the only kind of "natural" treatment I disagree with. At least with everything else there's a potential scientific explanation (naturopathic=compounds we haven't discovered their effects for or together with X interact in a beneficial way, chiropractic=potential endorphins released from the "back cracking", accupuncture=perhaps some kind of nervous stimulation?). Homeopathy is just, in all essence, water. I don't like that they take advantage of people's illnesses and sell them something they could just as easily get out of a tap. Or by opening their mouth during a rainstorm. I realize there might be a placebo effect with this too, but to pay those kind of prices.... I don't know. I guess that's my issue with it.


Bottom line: when (if) I become a doc, I'd want to make sure my patients feel comfortable enough to tell me any kind of additional treatments (allopathic or otherwise) they're taking/doing so that I can make sure that they're receiving the best possible care and so that I have all the information I need to prevent any contraindications.

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So I know chiropractors use "dr" as their title - are homeopathy practitioners also allowed to use "dr"? I have seen other videos with the same woman where she uses the title "dr". Is that legal?


And I have relatives who love their chiropractor (although I have heard it can be difficult to find a really good one), but why are they allowed to use "dr" as a title? It just seems a bit misleading to me, although I do agree it has a much better research-based background than homeopathy haha.

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So I know chiropractors use "dr" as their title - are homeopathy practitioners also allowed to use "dr"? I have seen other videos with the same woman where she uses the title "dr". Is that legal?


And I have relatives who love their chiropractor (although I have heard it can be difficult to find a really good one), but why are they allowed to use "dr" as a title? It just seems a bit misleading to me, although I do agree it has a much better research-based background than homeopathy haha.


If you had seen my "Laws related to healthcare" thread, you would know the answer to this question, lol.


A number of jurisdictions, including the provinces of Canada, have laws written such that chiropractors may be addressed as "doctor" in the conventional medical doctor sense. They do not possess MDs, and are definitely not recognized internally to the medicine sphere as "doctors", but due to cultural desire and legal will, chiropractors can be called doctor without reprimand.

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If you had seen my "Laws related to healthcare" thread, you would know the answer to this question, lol.


A number of jurisdictions, including the provinces of Canada, have laws written such that chiropractors may be addressed as "doctor" in the conventional medical doctor sense. They do not possess MDs, and are definitely not recognized internally to the medicine sphere as "doctors", but due to cultural desire and legal will, chiropractors can be called doctor without reprimand.

haha I apologize for not reading it then :P I was just curious after the topic was brought up a few posts above.

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