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McMaster Marking system??

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Your transcript is descriptive only. No pass/fail although if you don't pass a unit I guess that would probably be in the descriptive paragraph somewhere. Mostly what happens if you don't pass a unit is you do some sort of remediation until you do pass, so the 'fail' would never show on a transcript anyway.

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Oh ok thanks that's interesting. So how do they compare the comments on a Mac students transcript to someone say from Western or Toronto with just P/F who are competing for the same residency spots? Or nowadays since all schools are some form of pass/fail, with the exception of failing a course, do the transcript 'grades/comments' not really matter too much compared to what electives, extracurricular stuff, research, reference letters etc...?

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Oh ok thanks that's interesting. So how do they compare the comments on a Mac students transcript to someone say from Western or Toronto with just P/F who are competing for the same residency spots? Or nowadays since all schools are some form of pass/fail, with the exception of failing a course, do the transcript 'grades/comments' not really matter too much compared to what electives, extracurricular stuff, research, reference letters etc...?


Same question! does this mean that mac students have a harder time with residency admission?

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No, not really. Pass/Fail is a joke of a marking scheme anyway, since, as I mentioned above, a Fail would be remediated to a Pass, so really it's a Pass/Pass system.


Residency admissions are more concerned with what people say about you (both in your transcript and in your reference letters) and what you have to say about yourself (personal letters and interviews).


I guess what I'm saying is that a transcript which just had Pass/Fail for each unit would be even less useful for residency decisions since everyone's transcript would just say 'Pass' all the way down, how does that distinguish between candidates??


If you've gotten into medical school, congratulations. The only way you will fail to finish is if you die, kill someone (on purpose) or rape a patient.

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