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MCAT too late?

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Hi everyone,


I have a cGPA of 3.77 and somehwat okay ECS. However, my past MCAT score (I only wrote once) was ridiculously low (<30). I am rewriting on July 6th and I was wondering if :

1) getting the scores in by Aug 6th will be too late? Will that have a bad effect on my application?

2) Also, while filling out the application, do I need to disclose my previous score which I really don't feel comfortable doing?

3) Having a bad shot at MCAT previously, I am really scared about it not working out again. If it does not work out, I am thinking that I will do a rewrite in August (scores will be sent in Sep). In that case, how will it affect my application and my chances since I know they work on rolling basis?


Any input will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much in advance!

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earliest is the best, but Aug 6th won't be TOO late but obviously not as good as submitting june 5. You can still submit your application on june 5, but indicate that you will be re-writing your mcat, that way you can get your primary verified but schools won't review your application until your new mcat scores are in. Schools can see ALL your mcat scores but whether which scores they take in reviewing your application is different for each school. You can check the school's website to see their policy on multiple mcats.


Your mcat score now <30 isn't looking too good so I say a re-write is needed. Try to aim for >33.


Have/are you considering DO?

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I have recently started looking into DO schools too, but I still think my MCAT score will be low for those too. Is it okay to submit the application for DOs in june and sending the scores in on Aug 6th when they are released? Or will it significantly affect my chances?

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Please see my reply in the following link. I think one should think about why they want to apply when they know the chance of getting an interview is slim.


Just my 2 cents




I really appreciate your input. However, I am a first time applicant. My only concern was whether completion of pre-reqs is counted towards the completion of application or simply matriculation i.e. If you list that you will be completing all those courses in the following year, will they hold your application until the grades for all pre-reqs have been recieved or will they go ahead and process it, assuming the primary, MCAT and secondaries are all in by early August?

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The requirment for the completion of prereqs is different for various schools. However, the same point of view apply.


US schools are on a rolling admission, most applicants apply between June and Aug. They have no proof that ur going to take your prereq in Sep or even in Jan. What do u think they will do? They will put you in a different batch and tell u to send in proof in Aug or Sep, and they will probably not look at it until late Dec or early Jan.


By Jan, most school would have send out acceptance letters, the interviews that are done in Jan onward will likely be put into waiting lists. Of course, there is always exception.


From the point of view of the AdCom, they like to run the office in the most efficient manner, and will definately rank applications. You don't want to get rejected when you know your application is not complete.


Again my 2 cents, it is a decision you have to make yourself, trust no one, esp the advices that are given in this forum :D

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i would take a year off and put 100% effort into a acceptance


your gpa is good and would be a shame to rush thing...


you have an entire 40 years ahead of you..1 year wont kill it!!!


you even have a shot at can school if u can get a 30+



for US MD..id apple VERYYY VERYYY wide...spend that 2K on all schools...if yo get a 30..prob see interviews


i dont know your current mcat..but im sure ill get DO interviews too

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