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Feed back on School List

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Dear PM101, could you guys kindly give me feedback on my school list. I know that I have a lot, but I have nothing better to do than write essays this Summer and I don't want to lose any potential opportunities.


I'm from U of T, my GPA is 3.55 and my MCAT is 36R (13, 13, 10).


  • Boston U
  • Case Western
  • Chicago RFUM
  • East Tennessee James H. Quillen
  • George Washington Uni
  • Jefferson MC
  • MC of Wisconsin
  • Mount Sinai
  • NYMC
  • St. Louis U
  • SUNY Upstate
  • Tuffts
  • U of Connecticut
  • New Jersey - Robert Wood Johnson
  • U of Minnesota
  • Wayne State U


I also wish to apply to U of Texas - Southwestern, because MSAR says that they accept International students, however on their website it says that you must have US Permanent Resident Status to be considered. I'm a Canadian citizen and I don't have that, so is MSAR wrong or am I missing something?


Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


PS. I know that NYMC and St. Louis have escrow financial policies. I'm not sure if that means I have to give them all the money at once OR create an Escrow account where I have to deposit money without being able to withdraw.


Regards! :)

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I realize that my GPA is very low. I've made the list based on the 10th percentile listed GPAs on MSAR. Is this too unrealistic? I figured if I apply broadly and to "can" schools, I might have a shot.


So the school list doesn't matter since I won't have chances at any? In case I was to still apply, would you make any changes to the list?


Thank you for getting back to me so soon Slashev! :)

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1. Ignore Slashsev's trolling


2. You have quite a few schools that no one has posted getting interviews at in a while (Minnesoda, Tenessee, Tufts, Wisconsin, Conneticut, New Jersey). I would call up the schools to make sure they even accept Canadian applications.


3. You have some good choices in there otherwise.


4. Goodluck.

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Thank you North for getting back to me so quickly. I'll definitely look into those schools specifically, and then I'll go through the forums here and see if I can replace the ones you listed with others that people recently got interviews at.

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I think everyone just needs to take a look at the interviewed/accepted/waitlisted thread and compile your school list from that. A school's past behaviour is the best indication of their future behaviour. I also know several Canadians that got interviews/acceptances from top tier schools.

Good luck!

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This guy has no chance at Vanderbilt with a 3.55 (I know this because I know of several Canadians who have applied/heard back there).


Based on past outcomes, also forget about Mount Sinai for sure. SUNY Upstate is a definitely possibility if you really do a good job on the application and interview. Canadians can apply to UT Southwestern, but I'm not sure if 3.55 is high enough. Your MCAT is great but don't get too far ahead of yourself with a 3.55.

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Since you have MSAR, I think it is prudent to go through your list to see if each school you are interested in interviewed any Canadians last year.


Off the top of my head, I think the East Tenn, Wisconsin, Tufts, UConn and NJRWJ had 0 or very close to 0.


I would definitely add Einstein, Dartmouth, Georgetown, Oakland and Kentucky off the bat.

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Thank you guys for the honest advice. I am still going to try the US schools despite my low GPA, because someone I take to be very wise recently told me:


"You regret the things you dont do more than your mistakes!"


I will definitely add the schools you have mentioned to my list and start calling schools that you have advised me to take off the list.


MSAR won't tell me specifically how many "Canadians" were comprised in the international pool. However, from what I understand, the first data submission to Medschools is June 29th, and I have until then to finalize my school list right?

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Since you have MSAR, I think it is prudent to go through your list to see if each school you are interested in interviewed any Canadians last year.


Off the top of my head, I think the East Tenn, Wisconsin, Tufts, UConn and NJRWJ had 0 or very close to 0.


I would definitely add Einstein, Dartmouth, Georgetown, Oakland and Kentucky off the bat.


I'm not sure about Dartmouth. Their average accepted GPA is high. I have slightly higher stats than the OP and I have crossed Dartmouth off my list.

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Thank you guys for the honest advice. I am still going to try the US schools despite my low GPA, because someone I take to be very wise recently told me:


"You regret the things you dont do more than your mistakes!"


I will definitely add the schools you have mentioned to my list and start calling schools that you have advised me to take off the list.


MSAR won't tell me specifically how many "Canadians" were comprised in the international pool. However, from what I understand, the first data submission to Medschools is June 29th, and I have until then to finalize my school list right?




I think you can add schools even after June 29

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I think you can add schools even after June 29


Yes but I meant that it won't be the first transmission to the school I add later, right? I would want the schools I am interested in to have my application right at the start when they begin to receive applications.


Sorry about the misunderstanding, but yea I believe you can keep adding schools until much later. Its just that, you lose a serious advantage at those schools by adding them in later because your application is processed much later.

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