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Advice on School list and Application (3.98, 30Q)

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Hi Everyone,


So I am a US Citizen studying at a Canada Uni right now (will complete my fourth year next year) and I do not have residency in any of the states in US.


Some of my stats are:

GPA: cGPA (3.98) sGPA (3.98)

MCAT: 30Q (11/8VR/11), will be rewriting in Aug

Average EC:

Research employments and awards (3 years)

Have some physician shadowing experience in one of the research employment in summer

Clinical Volunteering for 3 years

Other misc volunteers, high-achievement pianist, other extracurriculars (dance/vocal, etc.)


Here is the list of school that I plan to apply to:





U of Chicago








New York




Unfortunately, I am not too familiar regarding the admission standard of US school and I'm unsure whether I am competitive enough for the school list that I have compiled, especially with my MCAT score. I will greatly appreciate if anyone can give me some advice regarding this. On top of this, because many US school have rolling admission, given that my MCAT score, should I submit after I write it on august on in June?


Thank you very much and thank you all for your advices in advance!! :D

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Way too top heavy. With your GPA/MCAT. You don't have a realistic chance at those schools even if you have US citizenship. Add schools with ranges closer to your scores. Schools like Wayne State, Drexel, Jefferson, Temple, GWU, EVMS, VCU,NYMC, Rosalind Franklin, MSU, Oakland comes to mind.

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anyone give some advice on mid tier schools with a 3.8 gpa and 32Q mcat?

I am a dual citizen.

thanks so much

(got a bit concerned reading this post when people were saying that a 3.98 gpa was barely competitive for top tier schools.


also.. doesn't the gpa go up pretty dramatically with amcas?

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