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Advice on where I should apply (3.65, 35P MCAT)

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Hi Everyone,


So I am a Canadian Citizen, who's just completed my undergrad degree.


My stats are:

GPA: cGPA (3.65) sGPA (3.70)

MCAT: 35P (14 PS/11 VR/10 BS)



will not list everything to protect my privacy, but I'd rate my EC as average at best. It consists of some volunteer research experience (have not published anything. Research Experience is a weak point of my application IMO), hospital volunteering for the past 6-7 years, Princeton Review MCAT PS Instructor, President at Church Youth Group, etc.



Here is the list of school that I plan to apply to:


Albert Einstein




Case Western



U of Maryland

Michigan State University

Mt. Sinai






Unfortunately, I am not too familiar regarding the admission standard of US school and I'm unsure whether I am competitive enough for the school list that I have compiled. Also let me know if any of the above schools do not take Canadians (I've done my research before narrowing down my schools to ones above, but I still could have made a mistake)


I will greatly appreciate if anyone can give me some advice regarding this.


Thanks in advance for your input!

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Hi there,


Your MCAT is decent but your GPA would most likely hurt you IMHO. I can only advise you on the schools I have experience with: Yale - Canadian-friendly, but I'm afraid it will be a reach school for your based on your GPA; Dartmouth - although they do accept Canadians as well, they seem to have a higher GPA cut off for us so your 3.65/3.70 might be a bit low; Mount Sinai and NYU - they do interview Canadians but I'm not so sure as to how many are actually accepted, and unfortunately they also seem to look heavily on GPA.


One general rule would be to eliminate state schools from your list (they don't tend to take in OOS applicants anyways) and double check on MSAR whether the schools on your list do accept Canadians. You can also do a bit searching on SDN (a US forum for med/pre-meds) and look at their school-specific threads.

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would love some advice from those of you already in this process. 3.75 gpa and 32 mcat... am a dual citizen. can I apply to mid tier schools?


Having US citizenship would open so many doors for you! With your stats I'd probably throw in some state schools depending on which state(s) you have tie to. You should definitely try mid tier schools, although I feel that the "tier" system often used in categorizing US schools to be somewhat ambiguous. With good ECs and a well-written PS, your chances are decent! Have a realistic list with schools whose matriculating students' stats match your GPA/MCAT range (you can find this info on SDN) and apply early would definitely work towards your advantage.

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