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Feedback on school list (3.7/32R)

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Hey PM101 crew, I just wanted to get some feedback on my school list


This is my 2nd application cycle, cGPA: 3.7 sGPA: 3.7

MCAT: 32R (11 BS/10 PS/11 VR)

EC: Hospital 100+, varsity sports team, club executive, rehab and cancer center, Health conference attendee, TA position for lab, educational tour leader

Research: nil :( Hoping to get some in on my gap year


Are there any schools that be straight out eliminated from the list, there's currently 19 but I'm hoping to narrow it down to 10-15 as it can become very costly


Also applying to DO this round



Boston U *

Georgetown (no int'l matriculants)

George Washington University


Loma Linda

Mayo *

Michigan State University


NYMC (no int'l matriculants)

Oakland (no int'l matriculants)

Rosalind Franklin U – Chicago Medical School


SUNY Upstate (Syracuse)


University of Kentucky

Vanderbilt *

Virginia Commonwealth University

Wayne State


* --- Reach schools


Thanks in advance for any help

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your stats make the cutoff for western. I would focus on canada.


eliminate SLU and NYMC unless you are prepared to provide all 4 years tuition up front in an escrow account. Take out loma linda unless you are 7th day advent. I would not apply to BU, vanderbilt with your stats.

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No research whatsoever + 3.7 GPA + sub-par MCAT + international status will work synergistically against you for American MD. I'd still apply to the lower-tiers but I wouldn't necessarily 100% expect anything. I highly, highly suggest you to improve your research & MCAT if you are serious about attaining positive outcomes from your American apps. If you can get research experience and a 35+ MCAT your chances are going to be relatively good.


Concur with scratching off Vanderbilt and BU. Mayo, NYU, and Georgetown are also probably very unlikely.

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Does quality research involve getting publications and running lab experiments, I've had experience doing my own independent research projects and literature reviews through upper year seminar classes and cumulative projects but that's only been for ~3-4 months. Is it worth listing?

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You have put together a really good list, I think. Good luck!


As for research in courses, if you did presentations or a school-run conference / presentation I would list it as an EC. If not, I wouldnt make it an EC but maybe mention those experiences in your PS when talking about your major / interests / motivations towards medicine / goals once in medicine (if you think you might do research).

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scratch VCU, they changed their policy.


Definitely keep the rest, including georgetown, AECOM, jefferson, kentucky, wayne.


32 isn't low. it's borderline/average. Just make your application outstanding and you have a chance.



What policy has VCU changed?? According to their website they still accept Canadians.

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Hey just an update to my application, I was still going over my DO list and contemplating whether to take a few schools out from the DO list and add some more MD schools.


Has anyone applied to these schools with similar stats (3.71/32)?


Case Western

Penn State

Northwestern-Feinberg (IL) ( Reach)



Waren Alpert Brown

Indiana University School of Medicine

LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans

Central Michigan University College of Medicine

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Really every school you have mentioned there is going to be a reach. You may not get any interviews if you stick with that list.


Hey just an update to my application, I was still going over my DO list and contemplating whether to take a few schools out from the DO list and add some more MD schools.


Has anyone applied to these schools with similar stats (3.71/32)?


Case Western

Penn State

Northwestern-Feinberg (IL) ( Reach)



Waren Alpert Brown

Indiana University School of Medicine

LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans

Central Michigan University College of Medicine

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