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Where to put research?

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For any other graduate students out there or undergrads with research, where should you list these things? There aren't any sections to list publications or posters, etc. Maybe awards/accomplishments or extra-curricular, although the boxes don't fit too well for research. I really don't want to leave my research stuff out so any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

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Hey, I am having the same issue. I think I'm just going to put posters/publications/etc. under awards and accomplishments. Do you think it makes sense (or at least the most sense) to put details in the "competition" box?


I was trying to dig through old threads and I think people went with the awards section although you can't describe it or even put basic info like the title anywhere. I may just put it under medically related experience since I can at least describe it a bit there (at least in terms of title, journal/conf name, etc.). Any insight from past applicants would be appreciated though!

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I would say it goes under awards and accomplishments. That's where I put mine last year!


Thanks, I'd like to put it in a different section cause I have enough there already I think! Do you think we could put the presentations down as EC? I assume the publication is def an award/accomplishment.

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Thanks, I'd like to put it in a different section cause I have enough there already I think! Do you think we could put the presentations down as EC? I assume the publication is def an award/accomplishment.


Ahh, in my opinion no. You got it's all part of your graduate work, so it's not extra-curricular. I'm no expert, but I'd say keeping it in that section is best.

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Ahh, in my opinion no. You got it's all part of your graduate work, so it's not extra-curricular. I'm no expert, but I'd say keeping it in that section is best.


It's not part of my graduate work. I'm an undergrad. I went to conferences to present the work being done in our lab over the summers though. So it's not actually part of my program (no, it's not honours work either, I got hired after first year, and I had volunteered 100 hours in gr 12).

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It's not part of my graduate work. I'm an undergrad. I went to conferences to present the work being done in our lab over the summers though. So it's not actually part of my program (no, it's not honours work either, I got hired after first year, and I had volunteered 100 hours in gr 12).


Put it wherever you feel you want. I personally put it under Awards and Accomplishments and got an offer for admission. IMO ... In the same way you list that you completed X degree under formal education. Then if you achieved a certain distinction (Dean's list) it gets a separate entry under accomplishments or awards. The way I see it you did the research so that falls under either volunteering OR work so list that as an entry. You did both - I would list your volunteer and your work separately and make the distinction clear in your write up (ie if there were different projects or responsibilities). Getting a publication or conference abstract from you research is extra, so it gets its separate entry as an accomplishment.


All that said, I highly doubt the heading will make any difference. There was an admissions power point a few years ago and if I recall correctly research falls under the 5 discretionary points ie NOT medical experience or ECs so putting it under that heading should not help or hinder your application.


I'd put more effort into adequately describing the activity with the small amount of characters than the heading. I feel this is of utmost importance.

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